Scientific paper ID 1866 : 2019/3

Stela Gyudorova, Plamen Glogov, Mira Georgieva

The present study focuses on one of the threats to natural mountain habitats, often underestimated and neglected in the development of forest management strategies and plans, namely - the movement of offroad vehicles (ORV). The aim is to present specific information about the threats from the impact of ORV on the populations of plant species with conservation status in the territory of Lozenska Mountain. The survey period is 2017-2018. 31 species with conservation status were found in 64 localities on a transsectional method of representative plots throughout the mountain range. Direct threats from the impact of ORV have been identified for 61.3% of species and 42.2% of habitats, and 53.6% of ORV routes represent a real threat to species.

offroad естествени хабитати горски екосистеми деградацияoffroad natural habitats forest ecosystems degradationStela Gyudorova Plamen Glogov Mira Georgieva


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