Scientific paper ID 1863 : 2019/3

Galina Blagoeva Ivanova

The present elaborated topic aims at presenting an exemplary project model covering all necessary activities for the repair and modernization of the first metro stations of Sofia Metro.

After the approval of the General Metro Construction Scheme in the capital, its gradual implementation will begin. The foundations are put to the construction and commissioning of the first section, namely the metro station ”SLIVNITZA” - ”KONSTANTIN VELICHKOV” metro station. Today we are already witnessing the construction of Line 3

In time horizon, these are more than 20 years of exploitation of the above-mentioned stretch, which, as we have already mentioned, is the first of the Master Scheme. At the same time, it is noticed that at each subsequent stage of commissioning new sections, the architecture of the metro stations, the facilities used, the introduced technologies are modern, up-to-date and modern.

The Sofia Metro is a unique transport facility that plays an important role not only in the transport sector but in the whole economic, political, cultural and social life of the capital.

Like the other metropolitans, Sofia is a big and expensive facility. Along with the means for building the new plots, they are needed to repair and maintain existing ones.

We will look at the activities that need to be done in order for a metro station to be upgraded, modernized and responding to the trends of modern times. The dismantling, assembly and implementation of new technologies, along with their valuation, will shape the amount of investment needed to renovate the oldest part of the metro.

The construction of a metro section is part of the whole metro construction. An important part is the elaboration of a conceptual plan, its approval of the legal framework, the definition of the financial framework and the implementation of the financing itself.

метростанция инвестиции проект прогнозен размер разходи остойностяванемодернизацияmetro station investment project estimated size costs valuation modernizationGalina Blagoeva Ivanova


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( [4] Фирмена документация на „Метрополитен”ЕАД )

[5] – Tsenova lista-KATALOG
( [5] – Ценова листа-КАТАЛОГ )




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