Scientific paper ID 1862 : 2019/3

Nikolina Porojanova, Snejana Vulkova

Waterproofing systems used in concrete bridge structures are mainly of three types:

- molten asphalt,

- liquid waterproofing systems,

- waterproofing flies.

The most important qualities that the waterproofing used in bridge structures must have are:

- watertightness,

- resistance to active agents,

- crack resistance,

- connection with the base,

- adaptability to the condition of the base,

- hit resistance,

- resistance during static drilling

- behavior at temperature,

- behavior when moving vehicles of different weight.

In Bulgaria, until 10 years ago, there were no standards and ments at the national level for the design and implementation of bridge waterproofing and the solution to this problem remained entirely for the contracting companies.

In 2014, a national annex to BDS EN 14695 was made, which set out the ments for the basic characteristics that the waterproofing applied in our country for bridge structures should have.

This report discusses the ments and main characteristics that liquid waterproofing systems used in concrete bridge structures must have. These ments may serve as a basis for technical assessment in determining the suitability for the application of the relevant liquid waterproofing system for road bridge structures.

хидроизолационни системи пътни мостови конструкцииwaterproofing systems road bridge structuresNikolina Porojanova Snejana Vulkova


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