Scientific paper ID 1857 : 2019/3
Stoyna Kostova The article discusses screw driving piles. They can bear tensions as well as stress pressures. Screw driving piles are short ring-shaped steel piles with protruding screws welded to the pipe. Due to the protruding screws, the tensile bearing capacity of these piles is considerable. Depending on the size of the tensile stresses to be bear, the piles have different diameters and lengths. These piles can be used to bear the tensile forces of photovoltaic power plants.
Screw driving piles are used to bearing tensile stresses in different structure. They are also called screw anchors. In our opinion, they are suitable for use in non-console photovoltaic power plants designs. Console bearing structures produce tensions in different directions from wind and from earthquake loads. In such situations it is necessary to use anchor piles united with a common plate called rostwerk. Which actually transfer construction in a usual pile foundation, and this does not lead to economical results. Screw driving piles can easily be combined with the top metal structure. For this purpose, different unifying links details between the piles and the top structure were created. The density of the anchors depends on the amount of effort transfered to the soil, and also the strength of the soil. Two types of bearing structure for the photovoltaic plants have been calculated. винтови пилоти опънни фундаменти фотоволтаични системи.screw piles tensile foundation photovoltaic system.Stoyna Kostova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] BDS EN 1990, Evrokod 0: Osnovi na proektiraneto na stroitelni konstruktsii 2007, i Natsionalno prilozhenie kam Evrokod 7– BDS EN 1990- NA 2012. ( [1] БДС EN 1990, Еврокод 0: Основи на проектирането на строителни конструкции 2007, и Национално приложение към Еврокод 7– БДС EN 1990- NA 2012. ) [2] BDS EN 1991-1-3, Evrokod 1: Vazdeystviyaevarhu stroitelnite konstruktsii chast 1-3 Osnovni vazdeystviya Natovarvane ot snyag, i Natsionalno prilozhenie kam Evrokod 1991– 1- 3 BDS EN 1991-1-3 NA 2011. ( [2] БДС EN 1991-1-3, Еврокод 1: Въздействияэвърху строителните конструкции част 1-3 Основни въздействия Натоварване от сняг, и Национално приложение към Еврокод 1991– 1- 3 БДС EN 1991-1-3 NA 2011. ) [3] BDS EN 1993-1-1, Evrokod 3: Proektirane na stomaneni konstruktsii chast 1-1 Obshti pravila i pravila za sgradi, i Natsionalno prilozhenie kam Evrokod 1993– 1- 1 BDS EN 1993-1-1 NA 2011. ( [3] БДС EN 1993-1-1, Еврокод 3: Проектиране на стоманени конструкции част 1-1 Общи правила и правила за сгради, и Национално приложение към Еврокод 1993– 1- 1 БДС EN 1993-1-1 NA 2011. ) [4] Kolev Ch., Procedures for Quality and Reliability Estimation of Anchors in Geotechnics - 39th ESReDA Seminar on Challenges in Stuctural Safety and Risk Analysis, October 19th–21st, 2010, EDP, Coimbra, Portugal. [5] Kostova St., „Otnosno optimizirane izchislyavaneto na opanni fundamenti” Nauchno spisanie “Mehanika transport komunikatsii” art. ID:1089, br 3, 2014g. ( [5] Костова Ст., „Относно оптимизиране изчисляването на опънни фундаменти” Научно списание “Механика транспорт комуникации” art. ID:1089, бр 3, 2014г. ) |