Scientific paper ID 1851 : 2019/3

Nevena Ivaylova Babunska-Ivanova

In the construction of tunnels, in order to prevent the destruction of the underground excavation under the influence of rock pressure and to ensure safe working conditions until building of the permanent lining of the facility, the tunnel profile needs to be supported.

Modern rock supports are d as main part of the permanent lining and in this sense they are defined as a primary lining. As the main element of the tunnel construction, the primary lining must perform its purpose for secure and reliable supporting of the tunnel profile.

The type of the rock support is chosen mainly according to the parameters and characteristics of the rock massif. The primary lining consists of different rock supports, according to the category and the quality of the rocks.

The latest trends in the development of tunnel construction inculcate increased safety ments for the construction of underground facilities. Implementation of the primary lining after excavation has a key role in tunnels. It is essential to select the correct rock support, to analysis its parameters to fully meet the geological conditions of the massif. Therefore, it is necessary to compare different parameters of the primary lining, according to the category and the quality of the rocks at different widths of the tunnel profile. This is also the subject of this research. The most recent developments in the field of tunnel construction, including RMR and Q rock classification systems, have been used in the analysis. Statistical analyzes were performed. According to the comparison between the parameters of the different types of primary lining, are made the relevant conclusions.

тунели първична облицовка крепежна конструкция RMR Q.Key word: tunnels primary lining support system RMR Q.Nevena Ivaylova Babunska-Ivanova


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