Scientific paper ID 1846 : 2019/3
Stoyo Todorov, Kina Kucarova The methodology for determining the braking force according to the ments of the international union of railway UIC differs from that taught in our country. At the University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, traction, resistance and braking forces are taught in a straightforward and easy-to-use way for the design of the track. For braking forces, it is based on the friction of blocks on the wheel rim. When crossing Russian wagons across border crossings to the EU, it is necessary to move to the UIC system. This is done with matching tables.
A major part of the technical characteristics of the braking system of international vehicle wagons is the brake mass. It determines the effectiveness of the braking force and serves to determine the permissible speed in use. Passenger cars are more and more disc brakes, which is another reason for updating the methodology. Dangerous areas when using braking force are those where there are concentrated large downhills. ”Prolonged downhill” is a section of the track with a longitudinal profile of more than 14‰ downwards with a length equal to or greater than the predetermined stopping distance [1]. проектиране на жп линии спирачен режим опасни участъциrailway track design braking mode hazardous sections on trackStoyo Todorov Kina Kucarova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Naredba 58 ot 2.08.2006 g. za pravilata za tehnicheskata eksploatatsiya, dvizhenieto na vlakovete i signalizatsiyata v zhelezopatniya transport, izdadena ot ministara na transporta, obn., DV, br.73 ot 5.09.2006 g., izm., br.88 ot 2007 g., izm. i dop., br.43 ot 2009 g., br.68 ot 2014 g., i br.97 ot 23.11.2018 g., v sila ot 24.02.2019 g. ( [1] Наредба 58 от 2.08.2006 г. за правилата за техническата експлоатация, движението на влаковете и сигнализацията в железопътния транспорт, издадена от министъра на транспорта, обн., ДВ, бр.73 от 5.09.2006 г., изм., бр.88 от 2007 г., изм. и доп., бр.43 от 2009 г., бр.68 от 2014 г., и бр.97 от 23.11.2018 г., в сила от 24.02.2019 г. ) [2] Nikolov V., Todorov S., Patishta i zhelezopatni linii, uchebnik, UASG, ISBN 978-954-12-0205-0, 2011 g., 471 str. ( [2] Николов В., Тодоров С., Пътища и железопътни линии, учебник, УАСГ, ISBN 978-954-12-0205-0, 2011 г., 471 стр. ) [3] Grebenyuk P.T., Pravila tormoznyh raschetov, Intekst, Moskva 2004, ISBN 5-89277-051-6, 112 str. ( [3] Гребенюк П.Т., Правила тормозных расчетов, Интекст, Москва 2004, ISBN 5-89277-051-6, 112 стр. ) [4]UIC Leaflet 544-1: Brakes - breaking performance [5] DIN EN 14531-1:2005: Railway applications - Methods for calculation of stopping distances, slowing distances and immobilization braking - Part 1: General algorithms, May 2005, [6] DIN EN 14531-6:2009: Railway applications - Methods for calculation of stopping and slowing distances and immobilisation braking - Part 6: Step by step calculations for train sets or single vehicles [7] Reglament (ES) N1302/2014 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘rolling stock — locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union, Official Journal of the European Union, L 356/228-393 ( [7] Регламент (ЕС) N1302/2014 COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 1302/2014 of 18 November 2014 concerning a technical specification for interoperability relating to the ‘rolling stock — locomotives and passenger rolling stock’ subsystem of the rail system in the European Union, Official Journal of the European Union, L 356/228-393 ) |