Scientific paper ID 1845 : 2019/3

Ivo Gadzhov, Valentin Nikolov

Maintaining and developing the municipal street and road network is a costly activity with a lot of impact on the population. In recent years, there has been a tendency in Bulgaria to increase the cost of annual maintenance and repair of municipal roads and streets. On an annual basis, the funds earmarked for road and street repairs, from the municipalities of Bulgaria (including the municipality of Pernik), reach particularly large amounts. At the same time, the technical and operational state of the municipal road infrastructure does not seem to improve at the same rates as the growth rates of the expenditures for this kind of activities. These two circumstances lead to the conclusion that the disbursement of funds for repairs and maintenance of roads and streets is not done in the most appropriate manner, of engineering and technical nature. The most important thing in this case is to find a technically grounded answer to the question of how more effective and more appropriate can be used for the maintenance and development of the municipal road infrastructure. The spending of funds must lead to substantial improvement and development of the infrastructure. To achieve this, action is d to address important and urgent issues, as well as to find the most technically sound and economically sound solutions. An important step in this direction is to examine the current technical and operational state of the road network to provide the correct baseline information for assessing its condition. Further action can be taken to create a model for determining the optimal type of repair works according to the existing condition of the road surfaces.

общински пътища улици община Перник обследване поддържане ремонт текущо състояние създаване и внедряване на база от данни разходи за поддържане.municipal roads streets municipality of Pernik survey maintenance repair current status creatioIvo Gadzhov Valentin Nikolov


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