Scientific paper ID 1844 : 2019/3

Mira Zafirova

The construction objects are complex not only in constructive and technological terms but also in organizational terms. Each of them is strictly individual and unique depending on its specific conditions such as terrain, relief, geology, hydrology, climatic factors and other building conditions. Their implementation involves different types and volumes, material and technical resources and labor resources. On the other hand, the performance of construction sites is highly dependent on climatic conditions. This imposes great dynamics in the execution of different types and volumes of construction and assembly works.

The clear and precise intuition of the main elements in the production process (labor and material technical resources) and the participants in the investment process (investors, designers, suppliers, subcontractors) in time and place s the use of dynamic models in their organizational management.

The diverse tasks of organization and management :

 Compiling optimal calendar plans at set construction times, ie ensuring the regular and continuous use of the available resources,

 Current processing of large volumes of information with a view to adopting effective management decisions.

In the presented report a dynamic example model for the implementation of an infrastructure object was created with the help of Microsoft Office Project.

динамичен модел инфраструктурни обекти организация на строителствотоdynamic model transport infrastructure organization of buildingMira Zafirova


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