Scientific paper ID 1836 : 2019/3

Emil M. Mihaylov

This paper refers to the T 81 bogie. These bogies are equipped on the following types of trams, which operate in the city of Sofia - T6M 700 and T8M 700 M. The paper is a continuation of the study of the occurrence and development of cracks on the bogie frame at both ends of its transverse beam. In previous studies, it has been found that the change in the design of the central springline has a negligible effect on the distribution of stresses in the frame. Here the impact of the unevenness of the track on stress and stress strength of the structure is examined. The structure was studied after the change of the central springline - with short springs. Data from the measurements of the accelerations in the bogie frame at the cup of the springline above the front right wheel of the first bogie is used. The results are both from the measurement of different sections of the tram system of the city of Sofia, as well as from an experiment for establishing the own frequencies of the bogie. Using the Autodesk Inventor Pro 2015 software, an analysis of the distribution of internal stresses in the bogie frame with different forces corresponding to the measured acceleration values was made. The calculations and simulations prove that the unevenness of the track has a significant role for the appearance and development of cracks in the bogie frame.

трамвайна талига пукнатини умора на материала.tram bogie cracks fatigue of the materialEmil M. Mihaylov


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