Scientific paper ID 1835 : 2019/3
Vasko Nikolov An in-depth analysis of the loads acting on the pivot bolt from the suspension of the four-axle freight wagon for bulk cargo transport is made in the report. Influencing the strength characteristics of this particularly important safety feature of the construction of this type of wagons operated by private carriers in Bulgaria, as well as the reasons for breaking these elements during operation are done. A deion of the spring suspension of this type of wagon is presented, and the main elements that make up this are described. The type of spring suspension and the forces acting on it are characterized. A diagram of the loading of the pivot bolt during operation is shown and the forces which act as well as the place of application in the sheet portfolio are described. These ments, which are important to the safety of the movement, are listed. Modeling, strength and deformation analysis of the structure using the finite element method was performed. The values of the individual parameters of the analysis and the places where the extreme ones are obtained are given. The results are compared with the failures obtained during operation. Recommendations are given to remove and reduce denials of a similar nature.
вагони ресорно окачване ходова част якостен анализ безопасност на движението метод на крайните елементи.wagons suspension chassis strength analysis traffic safety finite element method.Vasko Nikolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Atmadzhova D., The Bulgarian State Railways experience in determining fatigue strength of rolling stock structures, XVI Conference RAILCON‘14 Niš, Serbia, at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering October, 2014, pp.69-72, 2014г. [2] Petrović D., Atmadzhova D., Bižić M., Advantages of rubber-metal elements in suspension of railway vehicles, IIIrd International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure CETRA 2014, 28- 30 April, Split, Croatia, 2014, pp.491-497, 2014г. [3] Petrović D., Bižić M., Atmadzhova D, APPLICATION OF RUBBER ELASTIC ELEMENTS IN SUSPENSION OF RAILWAY VEHICLES, Elektronno spisanie ”Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii” t. 15, br.3, reg. No: 1490, str. ІІ-17 do ІІ-22, ISSN N2367-6620, 2017 VІ 44- VІ 51. ( [3] Petrović D., Bižić M., Atmadzhova D, APPLICATION OF RUBBER ELASTIC ELEMENTS IN SUSPENSION OF RAILWAY VEHICLES, Електронно списание ”Механика Транспорт Комуникации” т. 15, бр.3, рег. No: 1490, стр. ІІ-17 до ІІ-22, ISSN N2367-6620, 2017 VІ 44- VІ 51. ) [4] Petrovic, D., Bizic, M., Experimental testing of dynamic behavior of railway vehicles, XXIV MEZhDUNARODNA NAUChNA KONFERENTsIYa „TRANSPORT 2019“, 3-5 oktomvri 2019 g. ( [4] Petrovic, D., Bizic, M., Experimental testing of dynamic behavior of railway vehicles, XXIV МЕЖДУНАРОДНА НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ „ТРАНСПОРТ 2019“, 3-5 октомври 2019 г. ) [5] Petrovic, D., Soskic, Zl., Bogojevic, N., Rakanovic, R., Work Regime of DDam Wagon Parabolic Sprigs, FME Transactions, Belgrade, 2003. [6] Safety issues regarding wagons Laagrss, Office for the Prevention and Investigation of Accidents in Civil Aviation and Rail (SIA/NIM PT) [7] Stiepel M. St. Zeipel, Freight Wagon Running Gears with Leaf Spring and Ring Suspension, Alstom, 2004. [8] Atmadzhova D., Nikolov V., MODELIRANE I SRAVNITELEN YaKOSTEN ANALIZ NA RAZLIChNI KONSTRUKTsII LISTOVI RESORI ZA DVUOSNI TOVARNI VAGONI, MEZhDUNARODNA NAUChNA KONFERENTsIYa „TEHNIKA I STROITELNI TEHNOLOGII V TRANSPORTA – 2018” 13-15 septemvri 2018 g., 2018g. t. 16, br.3/3, reg. No: 1675, str. VІ-27 do VІ-35. ( [8] Атмаджова Д., Николов В., МОДЕЛИРАНЕ И СРАВНИТЕЛЕН ЯКОСТЕН АНАЛИЗ НА РАЗЛИЧНИ КОНСТРУКЦИИ ЛИСТОВИ РЕСОРИ ЗА ДВУОСНИ ТОВАРНИ ВАГОНИ, МЕЖДУНАРОДНА НАУЧНА КОНФЕРЕНЦИЯ „ТЕХНИКА И СТРОИТЕЛНИ ТЕХНОЛОГИИ В ТРАНСПОРТА – 2018” 13-15 септември 2018 г., 2018г. т. 16, бр.3/3, рег. No: 1675, стр. VІ-27 до VІ-35. ) [9] Valkov R., Zl. Krumov, Usavarshenstvani konstruktsii zhelezen pat, Sbornik dokladi na nauchna konferentsiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie „International Conference 2006“ VSU „L. Karavelov“, S., 2006, s. 49-53, ISBN 10-954-331-010-6, ISBN 13-978-954-331-010-4 ( [9] Вълков Р., Зл. Крумов, Усъвършенствани конструкции железен път, Сборник доклади на научна конференция с международно участие „International Conference 2006“ ВСУ „Л. Каравелов“, С., 2006, с. 49-53, ISBN 10-954-331-010-6, ISBN 13-978-954-331-010-4 ) [10] Valkov R., Todorov Yu., Ikonomov M. Zavisimost mezhdu tehnicheskoto sastoyanie na zhelezniya pat i eksploatatsionnata skorost na podvizhniya sastav. Sp. „ Mehaniha, transport, komunikatsii“, br. 12, 2018 g., ISSN 1312-3823 ( [10] Вълков Р., Тодоров Ю., Икономов М. Зависимост между техническото състояние на железния път и експлоатационната скорост на подвижния състав. Сп. „ Механиха, транспорт, комуникации“, бр. 12, 2018 г., ISSN 1312-3823 ) [11] Okonchatelen doklad ot razsledvane na zhelezopatno proizshestvie – deraylirane na tovaren vlak № 30560 mezhdu garite Gavrailovo – Shivachevo – Tvarditsa na 26.01.2019 g. ( [11] Окончателен доклад от разследване на железопътно произшествие – дерайлиране на товарен влак № 30560 между гарите Гавраилово – Шивачево – Твърдица на 26.01.2019 г. ) [12] Penchev Ts. i Atmadzhova D.,”Yakost i dalgotraynost na avtomobilna i zhelezopatna tehnika” , VTU ”T. Kableshkov”, 2007g. ( [12] Пенчев Ц. и Атмаджова Д.,”Якост и дълготрайност на автомобилна и железопътна техника” , ВТУ ”Т. Каблешков”, 2007г. ) |