Scientific paper ID 1820 : 2019/3
Boryana Tomova Ruzhekova-Rogozherova The current paper treats EFL adult education issues as well as matters related to EFL teaching in the workplace within the framework of general English courses, conducted at two levels, for university lecturers at the Todor Kableskov University of Transport. Examined topics are relevant due to the impact of enhanced lecturers’ communicative competence in English, on education process, through improved students’ / university teachers’ communication parameters, greatly contributing to students’ motivation in university subjects learning. In addition, widened EFL language and linguistic knowledge facilitates lecturers in using English, mainly for general communication purposes, and, to some extent, for specific ones in specialized literature reading, understanding and commenting on.
Considered issues, essential in applied linguistics, are related to adult learning peculiar features. Thus, for example, adult learners, especially course participants with university teaching and scientific careers, are more independent learners than university students, possessing better awareness of general studying techniques, course objectives and current level of knowledge. Hence, learning strategies university colleagues implement may be more easily built upon to suit EFL as well as FL learning ments by means of adequate language learning strategies training, this training contributing to learners’ language awareness enhancement as well as to much better learner autonomy parameters achievement. Examined issues are supported by means of both general English courses exemplification material. обучение на възрастни преподаване на английски език като чужд на работното място автономия на обучаемите езикова осъзнатостadult education EFL teaching in the workplace learner autonomy language awarenessBoryana Tomova Ruzhekova-Rogozherova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Adult Learning Principles and Recommended Practices, UBC Family Practice Residency Program, Faculty Development, The University of British Columbia, https://fmf.cfpc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016... [2] Adult Learning Principles: Increasing Employee Training Effectiveness, Texas A&M Today, https://today.tamu.edu/2018/04/27/adult-lea... [3] Knowles M., Andragogy in action: Applying Modern Principles of Adult Learning, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, CA, 1984 [4] Bush H., What Motivates Staff to Learn?, 2018, https://www.ausmedcorporate.com/motivating-... [5] Stanulis B., Providence Care, Key Principles of Adult Learning, https://www.sagelink.ca/sites/default/files... [6] Adult Learning Principles, https://sielearning.tafensw.edu.au/toolboxe... [7] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Exemplifying the Connection between English Language Studying Motivation and Language Awareness Enhancement, Yubileyna nauchna konferentsiya „50 godini – vrata kam obrazovanieto i prozorets kam sveta” po sluchay 50-godishninata ot osnovavaneto na Departamenta za ezikovo obuchenie – IChS, Universitetsko izdatelstvo ”Sv. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofiya, 2013, 427-438 ( [7] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Exemplifying the Connection between English Language Studying Motivation and Language Awareness Enhancement, Юбилейна научна конференция „50 години – врата към образованието и прозорец към света” по случай 50-годишнината от основаването на Департамента за езиково обучение – ИЧС, Университетско издателство ”Св. Климент Охридски”, София, 2013, 427-438 ) [8] Munro J., The influence of student learning characteristics on progress through the extended essay: A component of the International Baccalaureate Diploma programme, Journal of Research in International Education, 2003, 2, 1, 5-24 [9] Principles of Adult Learning. Alabama Pathways, http://alabamapathways.org/principles-of-ad... [10]Holec H., Autonomy in foreign language learning, Pergamon, Oxford, 1981 [11] Borg S. and Al-Busaidi S., Learner Autonomy: English Language Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices, ELT Research Paper 12–07, University of Leeds, British Council, London, 2012 [12] St. Louis R., Helping Students Become Autonomous Learners: Can Technology Help?, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas, Venezuela, 2005, http://home.learningtimes.net/learningtimes... [13] Sinclair B., Learner autonomy: The next phase?, Sinclair B., McGrath I., Lamb T. (Eds.), Learner autonomy, teacher autonomy: Future directions, Longman, Harlow, 2000, 4-14 [14] Nunan D., Designing and adapting materials to encourage learner autonomy, Benson P. and Voller P. (Eds.), Autonomy and independence in language learning, Longman, London, 1997, 192-203 [15] Nunan D., Nine steps to learner autonomy, Symposium, 2003, 193-204 [16]Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Contrastive Teaching, Comparative Teaching and Language Awareness Enhancement. Analysis of a Contrastive and Comparative Teaching Linguistic Experiment, Chuzhdoezikovo obuchenie, Az-buki, Sofiya, 2014, 2, 170-183 ( [16]Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Contrastive Teaching, Comparative Teaching and Language Awareness Enhancement. Analysis of a Contrastive and Comparative Teaching Linguistic Experiment, Чуждоезиково обучение, Аз-буки, София, 2014, 2, 170-183 ) [17] Ruzhekova-Rogozherova B., Language Awareness, Language Learning Strategies, Contrastive and Comparative Teaching in ELT and ESP, Monograph, E-publisher LiterNet, Varna, 2018, ISBN 978-954-304-427-6 |