Scientific paper ID 1814 : 2019/3
Angelina Hristova Millikina Fourth industrial revolution sounds largely abstraction, but we all feel the effect on our everyday life. The speed of technological breakthroughs in the past 20 years has been unprecedented in history. Moreover, they affect almost every industry in almost every country. The opportunities that connect billions of people around the world are virtually unlimited. All of these will be multiplied by the introduction of technologies such as artificial intelligence, autonomous devices, three-dimensional printing and nanotechnology in mass use. Modern digital technologies accelerate the development of rail transport in developed industrial countries, but have a significant impact on the Bulgarian railways. The purpose of the article is to outline the main trends in the development of the railway business in Bulgaria as a result of the accelerated digitization. For the purpose of the empirical study of the railway business, the methods of comparison, abstraction, generalization and classification were used.
дигитализация железопътен транспорт индустрия 4.0 бизнес модели икономическа ефективностdigitization rail transport industry 4.0 business models economic efficiencyAngelina Hristova Millikina BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Michael Rüßmann, Markus Lorenz, Philipp Gerbert, Manuela Waldner, Jan Justus, Pascal Engel, and Michael Harnisch, Industry 4.0: The Future of Productivity and Growth in Manufacturing Industries, Boston Consulting Group 2015 , https://www.bcg.com/publications/2015/engin... [2] V.V. Gaievskiy, “INDUSTRY 4.0” in the transport industry: call to action, Article for the international technical and economic magazine “Ukrainian Railroad” №5 (59) May 2018. [3] V.A.Vasilev, Upravlenie na transportni sistemi, Izd.Stopanstvo - UNSS Sofiya, ISBN 954-494-615-2, 2004 ( [3] В.А.Василев, Управление на транспортни системи, Изд.Стопанство - УНСС София, ISBN 954-494-615-2, 2004 ) [4] O.Gasman, K.Frankenberger, M.Shik, Biznes-modeli /55 luchshih shablonov/, izd. Alpina, Moskva 2016 ( [4] О.Гасман, К.Франкенбергер, М.Шик, Бизнес-модели /55 лучших шаблонов/, изд. Альпина, Москва 2016 ) [5] International railway research board, A global vision for railway development, ISBN 978-2-7461-2449-3 International union of railways (UIC) - Paris, 2015 https://www.shop-etf.com/en/a-global-vision... |