Scientific paper ID 1813 : 2019/3

Maria Nocheva, Ivan Petkov

In the paper, it is studied the competitiveness in relationship with the labour productiveness and GDP.

Based on the analysis and the system approach, it is revealed the relationship between competitiveness and labour productiveness for increased economic development by ensuring better conditions for higher productiveness of the production factors. It is mentioned that the importance of this problem is related to the increase of the incomes and living standard of the population. It is stated that the national competitiveness is in strong relationship with the companies’ competitiveness, as well as vice versa.

It is also revealed what is the role of innovations for the development of the new economy type - economy of knowledge. Innovations are studied as the main necessary factor for modernisation of the economy and competitiveness in accordance with the implementation of the EU policy “Europe 2020”!

конкурентоспособност производителност на труда иновации брутен вътрешен продукт жизнен стандарт доходи.competitiveness labour productiveness innovations GDP living standard incomes.Maria Nocheva Ivan Petkov


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