Scientific paper ID 1812 : 2019/3
Valeri Apostolov The paper studies health and safety labor conditions as an important factor for the functioning of competitive and efficient markets. Health is one of the most valuable and sublime benefits for humans and that is why, the main goal of every employer is to ensure appropriate labor conditions, which will not create prerequisites for occupational accidents and will ensure favorable atmosphere for the employees. The minimum health and safety labor conditions are set in a number of international and national legislative documents. The prevention of all types of occupational accidents and adverse effects stem from both the companies’ policy for corporate responsibility of the employers and the legislative framework. Special attention is paid to the important role of the personnel in the companies and the necessity of calm and healthy working environment. Based on the official EUROSTAT database, it is made an analysis and assessment of the health and safety labor conditions in few of the EU member-states. In the conclusion, they are summarized the main results of the study, which are related to the working environment in the EU companies, which function in accordance with the modern labor conditions.
здравословни и безопасни условия на труд трудови злополуки профилактика човешки фактор активна политика предприятие.health and safety labor conditions occupational accidents prevention human factor pro-active policy companies.Valeri Apostolov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dulevski, L., L. Stefanov, M. Atanasova, M. Paunov, N. Pavlov, Hr. Maleshkov, (2016). Ikonomika na truda, Sofiya, Izdatelski kompleks UNSS, ( [1] Дулевски, Л., Л. Стефанов, М. Атанасова, М. Паунов, Н. Павлов, Хр. Малешков, (2016). Икономика на труда, София, Издателски комплекс УНСС, ) [2] Dulevski, L., (2009), Pazarat na truda. Teoretiko-metodologicheski podhodi i predizvikatelstva pred Republika Balgariya., ( [2] Дулевски, Л., (2009), Пазарът на труда. Теоретико-методологически подходи и предизвикателства пред Република България., ) [3] Zakon za zdravoslovni i bezopasni usloviya na trud, obn., DV, br. 124 ot 23. 12. 1997 g., izm. i dop. DV. br.97 ot 5 Dekemvri 2017 g. ( [3] Закон за здравословни и безопасни условия на труд, oбн., ДВ, бр. 124 от 23. 12. 1997 г., изм. и доп. ДВ. бр.97 от 5 Декември 2017 г. ) [4] Koleva-Stefanova, D., (2016), „Ikonomichesko razvitie i ravnishte na regionalnite trudovi pazari” v sbornik s dokladi ot Natsionalna nauchna konferentsiya „Perspektivi i predizvikatelstva pred savremennoto upravlenie“, Izd. Kompleks UNSS, ISBN978-954-644-828-6, s.471, ( [4] Колева-Стефанова, Д., (2016), „Икономическо развитие и равнище на регионалните трудови пазари” в сборник с доклади от Национална научна конференция „Перспективи и предизвикателства пред съвременното управление“, Изд. Комплекс УНСС, ISBN978-954-644-828-6, с.471, ) [5] Becker, G., (1994), Human Capital: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis with Special Reference to Education. The University of Chicago Press., [6] A mapping report on Labour Inspection Services in 15 European countries (2012), https://www.epsu.org/sites/default/files/ar... 2019., [7] https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/299... 2019. |