Scientific paper ID 1810 : 2019/3
Georgi Dimitrov This study analyzes the development of rail transport in Bulgaria after 2002, when the liberalization of the sector started with the adoption of a new railway transport law. According to this law, the then National Company ”Bulgarian State Railways” was divided into two separate enterprises ”Bulgarian State Railways” EAD (now Holding BDZ EAD) and National Railway Infrastructure Company (now State Enterprise National Railway Infrastructure Company) the necessary separation between the transport activity and the management of the railway infrastructure is carried out and private capital is allowed to enter the railway transport activity monopolized by the state to date.
The duration of the sixteen-year period under review allows to outline the state and main trends in the development of passenger and freight rail transport in Bulgaria. The demand for passenger and freight rail transport was reported by the number of passengers carried, the quantity of goods transported, passenger and freight transport activity, supply of transport services by number of licensed railway carriers. The main objective of the survey is based on the established trends in the development of the railway transport in Bulgaria to draw out specific guidelines and recommendations for its future sustainable development under the conditions of a liberalized transport market. железопътни превози либерализиран транспортен пазар лицензирани железопътни превозвачи.rail transport liberalized transport market licensed railways.Georgi Dimitrov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Godishen doklad za deynostta na Izpalnitelna agentsiya „Zhelezopatna administratsiya”, IA „ZhA”, 2018 ( [1] Годишен доклад за дейността на Изпълнителна агенция „Железопътна администрация”, ИА „ЖА”, 2018 ) [2] Nikolova, Hr., Transportniyat pazar v Balgariya – sastoyanie i perspektivi za razvitie, UI „Stopanstvo“, 2010 ( [2] Николова, Хр., Транспортният пазар в България – състояние и перспективи за развитие, УИ „Стопанство“, 2010 ) [3] Arnaudov, B., Safety of railway transportation in Bulgaria, „Mechanics, Transport, Communications”, volume 16, issue 3/1, pp. III-172 – III-175, 2018 [4] Georgiev, M., Razvitie na zhelezopatniya transport v Balgariya, „Infrastruktura: biznes i komunikatsii”, Izdatelski kompleks-UNSS, str. 164 – 172, 2017 ( [4] Георгиев, М., Развитие на железопътния транспорт в България, „Инфраструктура: бизнес и комуникации”, Издателски комплекс-УНСС, стр. 164 – 172, 2017 ) [5] Gatovski, I., Nasoki za povishavane kachestvoto na transportnite uslugi pri prevoza na patnitsi v gradska sreda, sp. „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”, tom 16, br.3/1, str. III-166 – III-171, 2018 ( [5] Гътовски, И., Насоки за повишаване качеството на транспортните услуги при превоза на пътници в градска среда, сп. „Механика, транспорт, комуникации”, том 16, бр.3/1, стр. III-166 – III-171, 2018 ) [6] Statisticheski godishnik 2004-2019, NSI, http://www.nsi.bg/ ( [6] Статистически годишник 2004-2019, НСИ, http://www.nsi.bg/ ) |