Scientific paper ID 1807 : 2019/3
Orlin Iliev Kolev, Hristina Petrova Nikolova The inclusion of Bulgarian insurance companies in the united insurance market puts challenges for both Bulgarian companies operating in the local market and their potential competition from foreign European insurers, as well as in front of the ability for an access of our insurance companies to other European insurance markets. The work of the local insurance companies is placed in a new economic environment harmonized with the European insurance policy, according to engagement of the Republic of Bulgaria under Art. 64, §. 1 of Directive 2005/68 / EC of the European Parliament and of the European Council of 16 November 2005 on reinsurance in accordance Directives 73/239 / EEC and 92/49 / EEC of the European Council, and of Directives 98/78 / EC and 2002/83 / EC, according to which the Member States of the European Union must bring their legislation (laws, regulations and administrative provisions) into line with its ments by 10 December 2007.
The purpose of this development is to compare and analyze the Bulgarian insurance market in two separate moments: to 1th of January, 2007. ( The period of the accession of the Republic of Bulgaria to the European Union) and at 31 December 2018. (last full calendar year). The accent of the comparative analysis is a part of the insurance market, namely transport insurance. The data provided by insurance companies to the Financial Supervision Commission gives a source of information massive that was outgoing resource for analysis. Застрахователен пазар застрахователни компании каско карго Комисия за финансов надзорInsurance Market Insurance Companies Casco Insurance Cargo Insurance Financial Supervision CommissionOrlin Iliev Kolev Hristina Petrova Nikolova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Sayt EUR – Lex /internet portal za dostap do pravoto na Evropeyski sayuz/ , 18.06.2019g., ( [1] Сайт EUR – Lex /интернет портал за достъп до правото на Европейски съюз/ , 18.06.2019г., ) [2] Sayt na Komisiya za finansov nadzor , 20.06.2019g. ( [2] Сайт на Комисия за финансов надзор , 20.06.2019г. ) [3] Ananiev S., Kolev O., Grozdanov V., „Statisticheska i operativna otchetnost v transporta“, , VTU ”Todor Kableshkov”, ISBN 978-954-12-0252-4 – CD, 2018g. Elektronno izdanie: http://moodle.vtu.bg/course/view?id=287 ( [3] Ананиев С., Колев О., Грозданов В., „Статистическа и оперативна отчетност в транспорта“, , ВТУ ”Тодор Каблешков”, ISBN 978-954-12-0252-4 – CD, 2018г. Електронно издание: http://moodle.vtu.bg/course/view?id=287 ... ) [4] Ananiev S., Petkov I., ”Analiz i vzaimovrazki na razhodite i tsenoobrazuvaneto v transporta”, HH mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya ”Transport 2011”, VTU ”Todor Kableshkov”, sp. ”Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, br. 3/2011, chast 1, ISSN 1312-3823, str. І-64 - І-67,, 2011g. ( [4] Ананиев С., Петков И., ”Анализ и взаимовръзки на разходите и ценообразуването в транспорта”, ХХ международна научна конференция ”Транспорт 2011”, ВТУ ”Тодор Каблешков”, сп. ”Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, бр. 3/2011, част 1, ISSN 1312-3823, стр. І-64 - І-67,, 2011г. ) |