Scientific paper ID 1804 : 2019/3
Yavor Georgiev, Daniela Todorova, Krasimir Krastanov, Nina Gergova The current paper examines the status quo of the road infrastructure in Republic of Bulgaria and the accent is put over the implementation of charges, related to the usage of the roads and the needs of achieving maximum benefits for the society as a result of the charge collection process.
In the paper, they are studied the action principles of the existing road infrastructure charge system till the end of 2018 and the implemented mixed infrastructure charge system since the beginning of 2019. There have been taken into account the various types of vehicles in the freight and passenger transportation process. There have been assessed the charges for the usage of the road infrastructure and what are the possibilities for the road infrastructure funding. The financial resources have direct impact over the quality improvement of the transportation services in the field of the road infrastructure. The road infrastructure could generate revenues through the vignette system, the charges for using the road infrastructure for special purposes, as well as road charges on municipality roads. Actually these financial resources are insufficient for the development of the road network and they are mainly used for covering the maintenance costs of the road infrastructure. As a result of the aforementioned disadvantage of the financial resources, more opportunities for increasing the total revenues from the maintenance of the road network, are needed. More funding opportunities could be achieved through the implementation of the Toll Charging System. такси пътна инфраструктура разходи транспортна услугаcharges road infrastructure costs transportation services.Yavor Georgiev Daniela Todorova Krasimir Krastanov Nina Gergova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Agentsiya „Patna infrastruktura“, www.api.bg/ ( [1] Агенция „Пътна инфраструктура“, www.api.bg/ ) [2] BYaLA KNIGA - Patna Karta za postiganeto na Edinno evropeysko transportno prostranstvo – kam konkurentosposobna transportna sistema s efektivno izpolzvane na resursite , Evropeyska komisiya, 2011 g. https://publications.europa.eu/bg/publicati... 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