Scientific paper ID 1803 : 2019/3

Tonko Petkov, Iovko Iotzev, Valentina Staneva

For the purpose of the proposed analysis the air transport market s the passenger traffic volumes to/from Bulgarian airports, the cargo turnover through the airports and the volume of aircraft movements served by the air traffic services provider.

The size of the different segments has been estimated in kind. Development trends have been analyzed. A classification of factors affecting the market, as well as an analysis of the degree of their impact have been provided on the basis of expert estimates.

An attempt is made to analyze the opportunities and the risks, inherent to the market development of the separate segments, also in view of securing the d capacity of the service infrastructure.

The main air passenger market participants have been classified. The motivation resilience of every single type of participant regarding the market entrance, market position retention/ expansion and leaving the market has been analyzed.

The seasonal distribution of the traffic flows has been analyzed estimating the opportunities for the establishment of sustainable development of air transport and infrastructure usage.

The stabilizing role of the airlines ancillary revenues has been analyzed as well as their contribution to creating an environment that facilitates the expansion of air passenger market to and from Bulgaria.

пазар на въздушно-транспортните услуги структура на услугите общи тенденции потенциални цели факторен анализ допълнителни приходи на авиокомпаниитеair transport services market services structure general trends potential targets factor analysisTonko Petkov Iovko Iotzev Valentina Staneva


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