Scientific paper ID 1801 : 2019/3
Daniela Todorova, Snezhana Karipova The progress of the modern society is reflected in all areas of the surrounding world. It stimulates economic growth, facilitates social integration and enhances quality of life. The evolution of society in the twenty-first century has many constructive results, but it also inflicts a number of damages to atmospheric and terrestrial layers, aquatic spaces, the flora and the fauna. As the transport sector is a significant factor in the modern processes, which emits a high percentage of harmful emissions that disrupt the ecological balance in nature, it is necessary to proceed with future development in the context of sustainable development. This report aims to give an overview of the essence of the Bulgarian transport sector, to look at some of the key indicators for sustainable transport development and to identify opportunities for sustainable transport development in Bulgaria. The main indicators for the sustainable development of Bulgaria addressed in this report are: the indicators aiming at ensuring high mobility of goods and passengers, the indicators aiming at reducing the harmful impact of transport, the indicator examining the safety and security of transport, as well as the ”Indicator of the Environment”, measured on the basis of the prices of transport service providers in the country. At the end of the report, the key opportunities for the sustainable development of Bulgaria are being examined, and it can be suggested that the development and the maintenance of the transport infrastructure is a crucial factor for the achievement of sustainable transport development.
транспорт устойчиво развитие възможности Българияtransport sustainable development opportunities BulgariaDaniela Todorova Snezhana Karipova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Komisiya na evropeyskite obshtnosti. Evropeyski semestar-tematichen informatsionen dokument. Transport. https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/... Posledno poseten: 30.06.2019 g. ( [1] Комисия на европейските общности. Европейски семестър-тематичен информационен документ. Транспорт. https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/... Последно посетен: 30.06.2019 г. ) [2] Zhelyazkova, D. Ustoychivo razvitie na transportnata sistema na Balgariya. Ikonomika 21, 2/2017. ( [2] Желязкова, Д. Устойчиво развитие на транспортната система на България. Икономика 21, 2/2017. ) [3] Amirov, M. i Amirov, S. Edinaya transportnaya sistema. Moskva, 2016. ( [3] Амиров, М. и Амиров, С. Единая транспортная система. Москва, 2016. ) [4] Todorova, D. Publichno-chastno parthyorstvo. Instrument za razvitie na balgarskata ikonomika i podobryavane na transportnata infrastruktura. Sofiya, 2015. ( [4] Тодорова, Д. Публично-частно партхьорство. Инструмент за развитие на българската икономика и подобряване на транспортната инфраструктура. София, 2015. ) [5] Todorova D., Indikatori za izmervane na ustoychivoto razvitie na nazemniya transport, STUDIYa, Spisanie „Biznes posoki”, br. 1, 2011, ISSN: 1312-6016, str. 99-123 ( [5] Тодорова Д., Индикатори за измерване на устойчивото развитие на наземния транспорт, СТУДИЯ, Списание „Бизнес посоки”, бр. 1, 2011, ISSN: 1312-6016, стр. 99-123 ) [6] Todorova D., ”Vazmozhnosti i ogranicheniya pred ustoychivoto razvitie na nazemniya transport v Balgariya”, sp. Mehanika Transport Komunikatsii, br.1/2012, ISSN 1312-3823, str. BG 0.1-0.11 ( [6] Тодорова Д., ”Възможности и ограничения пред устойчивото развитие на наземния транспорт в България”, сп. Механика Транспорт Комуникации, бр.1/2012, ISSN 1312-3823, стр. BG 0.1-0.11 ) [7] Daniela Todorova, ”Konkurentosposobnost i ustoychivo razvitie na nazemniya transport”, Sp. ”Ikonomicheski izsledvaniya”, III na BAN, ISSN 0205-3292, br. 3, 2012, str. 68-77 Jel: R41 ( [7] Даниела Тодорова, ”Конкурентоспособност и устойчиво развитие на наземния транспорт”, Сп. ”Икономически изследвания”, ИИИ на БАН, ISSN 0205-3292, бр. 3, 2012, стр. 68-77 Jel: R41 ) [8] Natsionalen statisticheski institut, Posledno poseten: 30.06.2019 g. ( [8] Национален статистически институт, Последно посетен: 30.06.2019 г. ) [9] Eurostat. (2017). Sustainable transport. Last seen: 30.06.2019 [10] Departament Policy, E. U. Emission Reduction Targets for International Aviation and Shipping. Brussels, 2015. [11] Yotsov, I. Chernomorskiyat region: sblasak na identichnosti i riskove za stabilnostta v Evropa// Varna: VSU "Chernorizets Hrabar", 2016, e-Journal VFU, Broy 9 – 2016, ISSN 1313-7514, available at: http://ejournal.vfu.bg/bg/pdfs/BS%20Identit... ( [11] Йоцов, И. Черноморският регион: сблъсък на идентичности и рискове за стабилността в Европа// Варна: ВСУ "Черноризец Храбър", 2016, e-Journal VFU, Брой 9 – 2016, ISSN 1313-7514, available at: http://ejournal.vfu.bg/bg/pdfs/BS%20Identit... ) [12] Yotsov, I. Strategichesko planirane na verigata za dostavki, Varna: VSU "Chernorizets Hrabar", 2016, e-Journal VFU, Broy 9 – 2016, ISSN 1313-7514, available at: http://ejournal.vfu.bg/bg/administrationand... ( [12] Йоцов, И. Стратегическо планиране на веригата за доставки, Варна: ВСУ "Черноризец Храбър", 2016, e-Journal VFU, Брой 9 – 2016, ISSN 1313-7514, available at: http://ejournal.vfu.bg/bg/administrationand... ) [13] Veselinov Yotsov, Ivo; Lutzkanova, Siyana. Some Features of the Investment Process and International Investment Projects in the Conditions of Bulgarian Economy and Politics, Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 2 (2016 9) 325-341, ISSN 2313-6014, pp. 325-341avalable at http://elib.sfu-kras.ru/handle/2311/20105 |