Scientific paper ID 1798 : 2019/3
Antoaneta Kirova The transport sector makes a huge contribution to the EU economy, employment and mobility. The transportation and storage sectors employ more than 11 million people in the EU, more than 5 per cent of total employment and generates almost 5 per cent of EU GDP, accounting for about 20% of exports to the EU`s main trading partners. From 2010 to 2050, it is estimated that passenger transport will further grow by about 42%, while freight transport is expected to increase by 60% At the same time, transport represents almost ¼ of Europe`s greenhouse gas emissions and is the main cause of reduced air quality in cities, which poses a serious threat to public health. Road transport alone is responsible for almost 1/5th of total EU emissions and 73% of emissions from transport. The 2011 White Paper entitled “Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system” (COM (2011) 0144) recommends a serious reduction of 20% reduction in transport emissions for the period 2008 - 2030 and at least 60% for the period 1990 -2050, 40% reduction in emissions from international maritime transport in the period 2005 – 2050 is also foreseen, sustainable, low-carbon fuels should account for 40% of consumption in aviation by 2050, a 50% shift away from conventionally fuelled cars in urban transport should be made by 2030, with the aim of phasing them out totally by 2050. In short, the transport sector needs to use less and cleaner energy, exploit modern infrastructure more effectively, and further reduce its impact on the environment based upon automation, ICT and intelligent solutions.
транспортна политика съвместни мерки коопериране декарбонзация намаляване на въглеродния отпечатъкtransport policy joint measures cooperation decarbonisation carbon footprint reductionAntoaneta Kirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dokumenti na Evropeyskata komisiya po transport, komyuniketa i dr., tsitirani v teksta, ( [1] Документи на Европейската комисия по транспорт, комюникета и др., цитирани в текста, ) [2] European Union, Transport, https://europa.eu/european-union/topics/tra... [3] Common transport policy overview, Fact sheets, http://www.europarl.europa.eu/factsheets/en... |