Scientific paper ID 1797 : 2019/3
Christina Nikolova The economic development of the country as well as the globalization process leaded to a significant increase in the demand for transport services and respectively in the volume of freight traffic. With regards to this and based on the national forecasts for continuing increase in the volume of freight traffic both of internal and international transport services, we could conclude that the government should invest in new transport infrastructure in order to accommodate the increasing traffic and to provide higher quality and safety of these services.
Consequently, the study of the demand for transport services is necessary so as to provide the basis for forecasting the freight traffic volumes and quantities of transport services to be offered by the transport and forwarding companies. товарни превози търсене на превози тенденции в развитие на транспорта.freight transport transport demand trends in transport developments.Christina Nikolova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Bakalova, V. Kachestvo i konkurentosposobnost na tovarnite prevozi. Sofiya, UI ”Stopanstvo”, 2003. pp. 152-158. ( [1] Бакалова, В. Качество и конкурентоспособност на товарните превози. София, УИ ”Стопанство”, 2003. pp. 152-158. ) [2] Bakalova, V. Organizatsiya na transportnata deynost v otraslite na ikonomikata. Sofiya: UI ”Stopanstvo”, 2009. ( [2] Бакалова, В. Организация на транспортната дейност в отраслите на икономиката. София: УИ ”Стопанство”, 2009. ) [3] Bakalova, V. & Minkov, T. Ikonomicheski analiz na transportnoto predpriyatie. Sofiya: Izdatelski kompleks – UNSS, 2012. ( [3] Бакалова, В. & Минков, Т. Икономически анализ на транспортното предприятие. София: Издателски комплекс – УНСС, 2012. ) [4] Arnaudov, B. Kachestvoto na morskite tovarni prevozi kato klyuchovo konkurentno predimstvo. Sofiya, Izdatelski kompleks-UNSS, 2011. pp. 186-192. ( [4] Арнаудов, Б. Качеството на морските товарни превози като ключово конкурентно предимство. София, Издателски комплекс-УНСС, 2011. pp. 186-192. ) [5] Mutafchieva, V. & Nikolova, Hr. Ikonomika na transporta. Sofiya: Universitetsko izdatelstvo ”Stopanstvo”, 2010. ( [5] Мутафчиева, В. & Николова, Хр. Икономика на транспорта. София: Университетско издателство ”Стопанство”, 2010. ) [6] Parvanov, Hr. & Tsvetkova, Sv. Organizatsiya na tovarniya transport. Sofiya: UI ”Stopanstvo”, 2006. ( [6] Първанов, Хр. & Цветкова, Св. Организация на товарния транспорт. София: УИ ”Стопанство”, 2006. ) [7] Nikolova, Hr.. Transportniyat pazar v Balgariya - sastoyanie i perspektivi za razvitie. Sofiya: Universitetsko izdatelstvo ”Stopanstvo”, 2010. ( [7] Николова, Хр.. Транспортният пазар в България - състояние и перспективи за развитие. София: Университетско издателство ”Стопанство”, 2010. ) [8]Nikolova, Hr. Mezhdunaroden transport i speditsiya. Sofiya: Universitetsko izdatelstvo ”Stopanstvo”, 2011. ( [8]Николова, Хр. Международен транспорт и спедиция. София: Университетско издателство ”Стопанство”, 2011. ) [9] Wilson, J., Luo, X. & Broadman, H. Trade and Transport Facilitation: European Accession and Capacity Building Priorities. От: Transport and International trade. Paris: OECD, 2006. pp. 27-56. [10] Nowak, R. The impact of transport links on trade, investment and economic integration. Dushanbe, OSCE, 2005. [11] Venables, A. B. a. A. J. Transport costs and International Trade. От: Handbook of Transport Economics. Oxford: Edward Elgar, 2011. pp. 91-107. [12] Hummels, D. Transportation Costs and Trade over Time. От: Transportaion and International Trade. Peris: OECD, 2006. pp. 7-26. [13] Kveiborg, O., Linking international trade and transport – what are the determining factors?. Amsterdam, ERSA, 2005. [14] West, R. & Rubin, D. Identification and Evaluation of Freight Demand Factors, Washington: National Academies Press, 2011. [15] European Commission. An Overview of the EU Road Transport Market in 2016, Brussels: European Commission, 2017. [16] Quinet, E. & Vickermann, R., Principles of Transport Economics. Chentlenham: Edward Elgar, 2004. |