Scientific paper ID 1794 : 2019/3

Vladimir Sekerin, Igor Soppa

In paper it is proved that management in the high social importance industries differs from management of the certain commercial subject. It is necessary to consider the interests of the main institutional participants (the states, business structures, the population) at implementation of socially important projects. Institutional aspects of life cycle contracts for the main participants are systematized: their advantages and risks. The expediency of use of long-term life cycle contracts as they promote improvement of quality and increase in availability of socially important services is proved. The main characteristics of public-private partnership are peculiar to long-term life cycle contracts: they represent the mixed contracts, according to these contracts the ownership to an object are not transferred to business structures in full, division of risks between business structures and the state is regulated practice of application of long-term life cycle contracts in the developed countries is investigated. It is shown that leaders in practical application of long-term life cycle contracts are the countries of the European Union. In a branch section life cycle contracts in the sphere of road and transport infrastructure have the greatest share. Advantages of their use in Russia in the sphere of road and transport infrastructure are proved: increase technical readiness of highways, safety, decrease in degree of congestion of roads, growth of satisfaction of citizens with a road situation in the country

Ключевые слова: долгосрочный контракт жизненного цикла социально значимые услуги государственно-частное партнерство эффективность качество социально значимых услуг доступность социально значимых услуг long-term life cycle contract socially importanVladimir Sekerin Igor Soppa


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