Scientific paper ID 1792 : 2019/3
Marija Malenkovska Todorova, Jasmina Bunevska Talevska Smart mobility is a complex, long term concept for sustainable development of traffic – transportation systems. It is the result of harmonization between transport supply and demand, due to globalization, urbanization, current requests for environmental protection, safety and security. Namely, the role of smart devices in trips planning, shared usage of means of transport, as well as usage of so called green vehicles, smart city development based on applying of communications technologies with respect of the social dimension, as well as the modern traffic – transportation infrastructure that allows greater availability and safety, by high level of innovations usage, are defining the mentioned concept of future traffic – transportation systems. Therefore, series of measures and activities within of this proactive approach is primarily based on the information and communication technologies usage. The last are fundamental factors for creation of smart mobility, especially when it comes to later phases of its implementation.
The application of mentioned factors is directed towards collecting, analysis and real time information sharing, different web technologies usage, visualization and animation, monitoring by satellite, geographic information systems, advanced modelling, in creation of efficient, economical, ecological traffic – transportation systems which correspond to transport demand characteristics. информационни и комуникационни технологии в транспорта умна мобилност умна транспортна инфраструктура умни градове.information and communication technologies in transport smart mobility smart traffic – transportation infrastructure smart cities.Marija Malenkovska Todorova Jasmina Bunevska Talevska BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] satcommunity.com.au/upload/889dec75f7345e6865c8034529918e99.pdf, [Online], (Current May, 2019). [2] Bunevska, T.J., Mitev,R., Malenkovska, T.,M., Development of methodology for the selection of the optimal type of pedestrian crossing, a case study, 2nd International Conference on Management, Engineering and Environment-ICMNT2018, Obrenovac, 2018. [3] www.ey.com/.../Connecting-the-cities-of-the-future/ [Online] (Current May, 2019) [4]www.racfoundation.org/.../racf_ricardo_aea_air_quality_report_hitchcock_et_al_june... [Online] (Current August, 2017) [5] Dimitrov, N. Bitola, urban-geographical development, Society for Science and Art, Bitola, 1998. [6] Bunevska, T.J., Biljanovski, M. City of Bitola toward urban sustainability, Proceedings of the 2nd International Scientific Conference Transport for Today’s Society, University of Bitola, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Macedonia, Pro, DOI 10.20544/TTS2018.P07 UDK 711.7:502.131.1(497.774), 2018. |