Scientific paper ID 1788 : 2019/3

Silvia Assenova

The report analyzes the rules concerning the organization of public transport in Bulgaria. The regulation examines: subjects could conclude public transport contracts, the lines and routes offered to carriers, development of route schedules and their changes, the prices of transport documents. On other site, the rules show the ments for the company, contracting for the mass passenger transport (MPT). They are for the applying companies according the conditions of carriage, the type and number of vehicles and to be ensured of the transport process with drivers. In the second part of the report, it is examined the activity of the company performing MPT could be optimized via the development of schedule of the vehicles, a timetable and plan for the organization of the technical inspections. By the technical operational indicators, it is found such that could be influenced in order to improve the organization of the movement by the planed limitations and compliance with drivers` working time.

автобусни превози организация на движението график на движението на превозните средства технико-експлоатационни показателиmass passenger transport traffic organization timetable technical performanceSilvia Assenova


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