Scientific paper ID 1787 : 2019/3

Kostadin Trifonov

The mass suburban passenger transport is characterized by a number of specific features, such as regularity, strongly expressed unevenness within the year and the day and a significant social element. The report analyzes the state of the railway and bus transport for three suburban districts around Sofia and three around Plovdiv. The parameters for the generalized cost of the two public transports in the suburban territories were obtained - average ticket price, travel time, regularity of the transport expressed in terms of vehicle intervals and comfort depending on the type of rolling stock. From the analysis of the data on the passengers carried in the districts, the market shares of rail and bus transport were determined.

Applying a logit model, are defined the coefficients needed to determine the aggregate cost of each mode of transport and using ‘least squares method’ and the MS Solver function in Excel from the MS Office package, their value is determined. This will allow the study of the parameters affecting competitiveness and measures for improvement the attractiveness of rail suburban transport will be drawn. The data allow for the estimation of the redistribution of passengers as a result of changes in the number of vehicles, timetable and quality of service.

крайградски железопътни превози конкурентоспособност обобщена цена на транспорта логит моделsuburban railway transport competitiveness generalized cost of transport logit modelKostadin Trifonov


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