Scientific paper ID 1777 : 2019/3
Kustarev G.V., Dotsenko A.I., Mandrovskiy K.P. Annotation: Methods of technical and economic evaluation of road-construction machines are highly developed but their operation s a wide list of initial data which is very difficult to obtain without monitoring systems. In modern conditions, economic factors determine the possibility of machines’ operation and the technical excellence of the machine is viewed by considering the cost of ownership and operation. This determines the relevance of the application of technical and economic assessments. In order to ensure the feasibility of applying of such technical and economic indexes towards the efficiency evaluation, they need to be adapted for use in monitoring systems. Modern monitoring systems allow you to monitor the technical and operational characteristics without a comparison with the indexes of the economic sphere. There is almost complete uncertainty in the methods of selection and evaluation of equipment that could be used in practice in modern conditions characterized by the presence in the market of equipment of the same purpose from different manufacturers. In such conditions, a system for collecting and processing the information with feedback would be convenient - a monitoring system for effectiveness evaluation. Feedback is necessary for creating the control actions in order to increase the efficiency or maintain it at satisfactory level - performance management. The development of methods of both technical and economic assessment which are suitable for using for road-construction machines and adapted for implementation in monitoring systems is a relevant topic of scientific research.
ефективност наблюдение пътно-строителни машини единица разходи за производство.Efficiency monitoring road-construction machines unit cost of production. Kustarev G.V. Dotsenko A.I. Mandrovskiy K.P. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Shestopalov K.K. Overview and analysis of remote-control systems for road machines / Shestopalov K.K., Mandrovskiy K.P. // Road Power. - 2015. - № 61. - p. 34-37. [2] Golkina G.E. Possibilities of ERP-systems to control the cost of production / Golkina G.E. // Modern trends in the development of science and technology. - 2015. - № 1-5. - p. 44-47. [3] Tikhonov A.A. Production cost and financial performance: what comes first? / Tikhonov A.A. // Vestnik of the Financial University. - 2007. - № 1. - p. 132-141. [4] Dotsenko A.I. Improving the quality of asphalt concrete pavement of roads by monitoring the parameters of road machines in the course of work [Electronic resource] / Dotsenko A.I., Mandrovskiy K.P. // Interstroymeh-2018. Materials of the international scientific and technical conference. - M.: National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering, 2018. - P. 223-227. - Access mode: http://mgsu.ru/resources/izdatelskaya-deyat... [5] Concord-GPS. Monitoring system of transport objects [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.konkord-gps.ru/ (access date: 07.28.15). [6] NPP ”Transnavigation”. Automated system for monitoring passenger traffic [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.transnavi.ru/projects/asmpp/abou... (access date: 07/01/17). [7] Timo Saarenketo. Monitoring the condition of roads with low traffic [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http://www.roadex.org/wp-content/uploads/20... (access date: 06.30.17). [8] Mandrovskiy K.P. Analysis of monitoring systems for road-building machines and the concept of a performance management system / Mandrovskiy K.P. // Vestnik of the Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI). - 2016. - № 1 (44). - p. 26-33. [9] Mandrovskiy K.P. Possible prospects for the development of monitoring systems for road machines in performance management and technical audit / Mandrovskiy K.P. // Mechanization of construction. - 2016. - V.77 - № 10. - p. 47-52. [10] Banker R.D. Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis / Banker R.D., Charnes A., Cooper W.W. // Management Science. – 1984. – Vol. 30. – № 9. – P. 1078-1092. [11] Cooper W.W. Data envelopment analysis. A comprehensive text with models, applications, references and DEA-solver software / Cooper W.W., Seiford L.M., Tone K. – 2-nd edition. – New York: Springer, 2006. – 528. p. [12] Development of scientific foundations and electronic resources of the monitoring system for assessing the effectiveness of road-construction, airfield and utility vehicles: a report on research and development / Kustarev G.V., Shestopalov K.K., Karasev G.N., Mandrovskiy K.P. - M.: Moscow Automobile and Road Construction State Technical University (MADI), 2010. - 50 p. |