Scientific paper ID 1775 : 2019/3

Zdenek Dvorak, Maria Luskova, Bohus Leitner

Innovations in higher education in Slovakia are closely linked to the sustainable development of society. A modern European country has no choice but through innovations to build prosperity and the future. Education, science and research are essential attributes of innovation processes at all levels.

The upcoming year 2020 will be a breakthrough in both the global, European and national environment. The accelerating processes of informatisation, globalization and internationalization bring us everyday challenges and tasks. The challenge of keeping pace with the world in science, research and innovation is crucial. Thanks to the structural funds, the countries of Central and Eastern Europe had the opportunity to build a high-quality scientific research base. In 2007-2013, 20 research centres and science parks were built in the Slovak Republic. The University of Žilina built a total of three new buildings filled with state-of-the-art technologies with a budget of 60 million euros. The aim of the paper is to present possibilities of cooperation in science, research and innovation at the international level.

The University of Žilina has a long-term cooperation in the corporate environment. We are regularly evaluated as the university with the best cooperation in practice. Thanks to the close links between state institutions, private companies and academic environments, we are dealing with dozens of projects that a modern society needs. Our latest activities are in favor of Zilina SMART CITY and Zilina SMART REGION.

иновации висше образование транспорт сигурност.innovation higher education transport securityZdenek Dvorak Maria Luskova Bohus Leitner


[1] Ministry of Economy of the SR. 2019. Operational Program Research and Innovation.

[cit. 14 August, 2019] Available at:

[2] Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for Investment and Information Technology.2019.

[cit. 14 August, 2019] Available at: ...

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[cit. 15 August, 2019] Available at:

[4] CETRA. 2019. CETRA-Centre for Transport Research.

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[5] ERAdiate. 2019. Projects.

[cit. 16 August, 2019] Available at:




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