Scientific paper ID 1772 : 2019/4
Alexey Berov, Nikolay Tontchev The choice of material is a basic decision-making process and it is based on the knowledge gained in the disciplines - material science, material resistance, design of machine elements, technology of machine-building materials and other technical disciplines. This Paper presents the relationship between the above disciplines in the learning process. The idea is to show and summarize the basic principles developed by Professor Michael Ashby, on which the course in Materials Science at the Todor Kableshkov Higher Transport School is based. This applied approach helps in the future to build an active upgrade of new knowledge and skills.
машинно инженерство активно обучение материалознание.mechanical engineering active training material science.Alexey Berov Nikolay Tontchev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Ashby, M. F. (2011), Materials selection in mechanical design, Fourth Edition. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann. [2] Ashby, M. F., Materials, Bicycles, and Design, Metal Materials Transactions, vol.26A, p.3057,1995. [3] Ashby M. F., Hugh Shercliff, David Cebon, Materials: engineering, science, processing and design. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. [4] Tontchev N. Materials Science, Effective solutions and Technological Variants. Lambert, 2014, 144p. [5] Kolev, P. ., К. Кrastanov, 15 Years Journal ”Mechanics, Transport, Communications” Research In Material Science, Published In The Journal ”Mechanics, Transport, Communications” –Review. Part I, volume 17, issue 2, 2019, Academic journal http://www.mtc-aj.com, article № 1756. [6] Kolev P., D. Todorova., 15 Godini Spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii “Izsledvaniya Po Materialoznanie, Publikuvani V Spisanie „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii“ – Obzor. Chast II. tom 17, broy 2, 2019 g. Nauchno spisanie, http://www.mtc-aj.com , statiya № 1758. ( [6] Колев П., Д. Тодорова., 15 Години Списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации “Изследвания По Материалознание, Публикувани В Списание „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации“ – Обзор. Част II. том 17, брой 2, 2019 г. Научно списание, http://www.mtc-aj.com , статия № 1758. ) [7] Tonchev N. Proizvodstveni tehnologii, Monografiya, 2012, Sofiya. ( [7] Тончев Н. Производствени технологии, Монография, 2012, София. ) |