Scientific paper ID 1753 : 2019/1

Krume Andreev, Rumen Arnaudov, Marin Aldimirov

The article explores the possibilities for adapting and using technical solutions to the existing eCall automotive system for timely signaling of incidents in the field of un-manned aerial systems (UAS). The potential benefits of using them for UAS for civil and commercial purposes are presented. The technological challenges related to the adaptation of the IVS car unit to work on board of UAS are explored. Field test results are presented to investigate the capabilities of IVS instrumentation for incident and in-flight emergency situations. Ideas for future development and research are presented. Field test results are presented to investigate the possibilities of software analysis of incidents. The experimental results show clearly distinguishable zones in the recorded data, that allow instrumental registering of emergency related events such as freefall, parachute opening and hitting the ground. This opens the possibility for timely signaling and timely submission of data from the incident to rescue teams and stakeholders. This article aims to challenge and direct the interest of institutions and companies in developing specialized modules and standards, as happened with the eCall standard.

eCall UAS безпилотна летателна система IVS InVehicle система HeERO Veronica 2eCall UAS Unmanned Aerial System IVS InVehicle System HeERO Veronica 2Krume Andreev Rumen Arnaudov Marin Aldimirov


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