Scientific paper ID 1748 : 2019/1
Rositsa Velichkova, Martin Pushkarov, Iskra Simova The mining water is considered to be the biggest ecological concern associated with mining industry. In presented work a test-rig for mining water treatment is proposed. The principle of operation of the system as well as the elements hydraulic sizing calculations are explained.
пречистване на минни води тестова площадка минна промишленостmining water treatment test-rig mining industryRositsa Velichkova Martin Pushkarov Iskra Simova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] http://www.pollutionissues.com/Li-Na/Mining... [2] https://www.moew.government.bg/bg/vodi/ [3] Stoyan Grudev, Irena Spassova, Marina Nikolova ,Module II ”Generating, Prevention and Treatment of Mining Water”, University of Mining and Geology,, Sofia 2005 [4] Todor Angelov, I. Grigorova, Iv. Nishkov, A review of the techniques for treatment of sewage drainage waters, Collection of Scientific Confrontation with International Participation ”Science in the Globalization Conditions”, Kardzhali 2014, pp. 617-621 [5] Gergov L., V. Ivanov. Z. Gergova, I. Ganev, Rectifier 13kA for electrolysis with two reactors, IV Scientific Conference EF2012, Sozopol, 28 September-1 October 2012, Collection of Reports - vol.2, p.54-60. |