Scientific paper ID 1745 : 2019/1

Konstantin Kostov, Ivan Denev, Ivan Ivanov

Fresh parsley leaves used for culinary and curative purposes are highly perishable in nature. Losses after harvest are quite often observed and significant deterioration in quality is noted. In order to keep the leaves longer and to ensure their easy accessibility for off-season use without significant deterioration in nutrient levels, they has to be dried. The low moisture content of products made from dried leaves helps to improve their shelf life and reduce weight for transportation. Applying an optimized drying process is necessary not only to preserve the leaves, to achieve concentrated nutrients but also to minimize energy consumption for the process. The parameters for selecting the technique of drying individual leaves are based on local climatic conditions, drying agent temperature, relative humidity, drying time, size, shape and age of the leaves, etc. This article shows the possibility of replacing a conventional energy source with a renewable one. This study highlights the need to look for alternative renewable energy sources when drying food for energy saving and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

процес на сушене възобновяеми енергийни източници намаляване на CO2 енергийна ефективностdrying process renewable energy sources CO2 reduction energy efficiencyKonstantin Kostov Ivan Denev Ivan Ivanov


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