Научный доклад ID 1744 : 2019/1
Иван Антонов, Светлин Антонов, Росица Величкова, Иван Денев При изследване на броя на турбулентните потоци с аксиална симетрия е наложително да се използват уравнения за движение, пренос на топлина и примеси и за непрекъснатост в цилиндрични координати. В представената работа е направен анализ на текущите уравнения за движение в цилиндрични координати по метода на Рейнолдс, като се споменават редица разработки в България. Решението за поток с аксиална симетрия в цилиндрични координати, обаче, е по-подходящо при използване на уравнения на морските кораби, използвайки т.нар. „ефективен вискозитет“.
турбулентен поток двуфазен поток цилиндрични координатиturbulent flow two-phase flow cylindrical coordinatesИван Антонов Светлин Антонов Росица Величкова Иван Денев BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Loitsiansky l.g., distribution [2] Gotler H., Decay of swirling axially symmetrical jet far from the orifice , prevista mathematical hispano-americans, ser. 4,vol.14,1954,pp143-178 [3] Antonov I., Investigation of swirling turbulent flow, S. 1976, PhD Thesis [4] Madjirski V., I.Antonov, Study on the flow of a revolved turbulent jet in an immobile homogeneous medium, Trans. Of V-th conference ISEM, Bombay,1974 [5] Madjirksi V., I. Antonov Investigation of flow of swirling turbulent flow in satellite environment, VMEI. Book XIV,1975 pp 88-89 [6] Antonov I., S. Todorov. I.Pisarova, Investigation of distribution of swirling turbulent jet in non-swirling satellite flows, Mashinostroene, book 5, pp214-216 [7] Kostov P., K.Atanasov, Numerical modeling of burning of gaseous fuel in a limited swirling stream formed by a tangential vane swirler,, proceedings of the international scientific conference on energy and information systems and technologies (ICEST ) 2001, Bitola, Macedonia, volume 1, pp. 168-172. [8] Kostov P., K. Atanasov, Modeling of a burning process in a limited turned injected stream, Proceedings of the international scientific conference on energy and information systems and technologies (ICEST) 2002, Nish, Yugoslavia, session power systems ii. [9]Kostov P., K. Atanasov, N. Krystev, Influence of heat exchange over the conditions of combustion in the initial section of the torch, Proceedings of the international scientific conference on energy and information systems and technologies (ICEST) 2004, bitola, Macedonia, volume 2, pp. 839-841. [10]Krytsev N., Numerical simulation of two-phase diffusion burning of gaseous fuels under the conditions of a throttle flow, National conference with international participation ”Educational Technologies-2017” Journal of the Union of Scientists, ISNN1311-2864, Kavarna [11] Krystev N., Possibilities to manage burning process at the conditions of cement kiln, XLVI International Scientific Conference of Information, Communication and Energy Systems, ICEST, Nis, Serbia, 2011 [12] Antonov I., N.T. Nam, Numerical methods for modeling of a two-phase turbulent swirling jets, Inter. Symp. On Hydro-and Aerodynamic in Marine Engineering, HADMAP’91, Varna vol1 pp34-45 [13] Nam N., H.Lien, I.Antonov, Swirling two-phase turbulent jet in systems of combustions, procceding of the workshop on Mechanical Engineering, HCM, Vietnam, 1998, pp76-85 [14] Nigmatulin I., Basic mechanics of heterogeneity among, m., science, 1978. [15] Strumensky V., Methods of systemic cinematic emissions of gas mixtures, doc. an ussr, 273, 3, 1977, pp. 533-536. [16] Abramovich G., T.Girschovich, On diffusion of heavy particles in turbulent flows, DANSSSR, t.212.3 1973.. [17] Schreiber A., L. Gavin, V. Naumov, V. Yatsenko, Turbulent flows of a gas suspension, Kiev, naukova dumka, 1987. |