Scientific paper ID 1743 : 2019/1

Todor Yonov

Petrol / diesel engines have not undergone any major improvements over the last decades, and on the contrary, it has even become clear that the real parameters of the pollution caused by them have been criticized by society. The need for innovation and ecology in the sector is enormous and in recent years an increasingly massive attack on the market by new high-tech cars operating on both full throttle and mixed (hybrid) drives has begun. The cost of cars of the class that pollute less often the environment is too high for the ordinary citizen. However, sales of eco-cars are increasing every year, regardless of their price, and relocations by municipalities and states should become more appealing. This article will attempt to answer the practical question: Is there a financial justification for the use of an ecological car and how much would it cost an average Bulgarian citizen living in the central neighborhoods of a big city and averaging 15,000 km per year for a 5 year period. After the calculations, unexpected results have been obtained. In our country, the environmental situation, which is unused from the financial point of view, is eliminated. Consider the alternative to gasoline that needs to be assessed separately for petrol. And the cheapest car for Bulgarian citizens remains petrol.

икономическо сравнение автомобили хибриди електромобилиeconomic comparison cars hybrids electric vehiclesTodor Yonov


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