Scientific paper ID 1739 : 2018/3
Tsvetelina Simeonova Technological renewal is necessary on the railway infrastructure due to the ments for higher efficiency in operation. This applies both to the transmission environment and to the relevant transmission systems, as well as to the equipment providing the collection, processing and distribution of information, as well as to the executive devices. The use of modern information and communication technologies has a stimulating impact on the development of associated subsystems, such as train signaling and train control systems and the SCADA, including advanced information and control systems.
An exemplary SCADA scheme (taking into account NMS) was made in order to be tested qualitatively, based on assumed assumptions (on essential communication functions) through a fault tree, and for this purpose in the work being considered the functions of SCADA and NMS (unified telecommunication network management system) and are summarized in terms of their co-operation in railway infrastructure. It can be seen that in more detail the influence of the communication level on the dependability of the SCADA system can be determined and quantified at specific dependability parameters of the components (including their reservation), taking into account the manner of management by SCADA NMS жп инфраструктура дърво на отказите.SCADA NMS railway infrastructure fault tree.Tsvetelina Simeonova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dimitrova E., Analiz na vazmozhnostite za integrirane na videonablyudenie kam sistemite za distantsionen monitoring i kontrol, Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „Transport-2017”, “Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 15, broy 3/3, 2017. ( [1] Димитрова Е., Анализ на възможностите за интегриране на видеонаблюдение към системите за дистанционен мониторинг и контрол, Международна научна конференция „Транспорт-2017”, “Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, ISSN 1312-3823, том 15, брой 3/3, 2017. ) [2] Dimitrova E., V. Dimitrov, Contemporary Trends for Increasing the Reliability of the SCADA systems Communication Level, 51st International Scientific Conference ICEST 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia, June 28 - 30 2016, ISBN 978‐9989‐786‐78‐5, pp. 115-118 [3] Dimitrova E., Models of objects of control in SCADA – System for Monitoring and Operational Dispatching on Metropolitan-Sofia, Journal „Information Technologies and Control“, ISSN 1312-2622, DOI:10.2475/itc-2013-0013, No 3/2013, pp. 30-35 [4] Dimitrova E., V. Dimitrov, Realization of a Simulation model of SCADA – a System for monitoring and Control of Metropolitan-Sofia, Journal „Information Technologies and Control“, ISSN 1312-2622, Year XI, No. 4, 2013, рр. 25 – 33 [5] Dimitrova E., Sistema za distantsionno upravlenie na vlakovoto dvizhenie, VIII nauchna konferentsiya ”EF 2016”, Varna, 12-15.09.2016, Godishnik na TU – Sofiya, ISSN 1311-0829, t. 67, kn. 1, 2017, str. 407-412 ( [5] Димитровa E., Система за дистанционно управление на влаковото движение, VIII научна конференция ”ЕФ 2016”, Варна, 12-15.09.2016, Годишник на ТУ – София, ISSN 1311-0829, т. 67, кн. 1, 2017, стр. 407-412 ) [6] Dimitrova E., Arhitektura na softuera na sistema za distantsionno upravlenie na vlakovoto dvizhenie, VIII nauchna konferentsiya ”EF 2016”, Varna, 12-15.09.2016, Godishnik na TU – Sofiya, ISSN 1311-0829, t. 67, kn. 1, 2017, str. 413-418 ( [6] Димитровa E., Архитектура на софтуера на система за дистанционно управление на влаковото движение, VIII научна конференция ”ЕФ 2016”, Варна, 12-15.09.2016, Годишник на ТУ – София, ISSN 1311-0829, т. 67, кн. 1, 2017, стр. 413-418 ) [7] Dimitrova E., V. Dimitrov, Sistemi za distantsionen monitoring i upravlenie na obekti v zhelezopatniya transport, International Conference „Automatics and Informatics 2016“, 4-6.H.2016, Sofia, ISBN 1313-1850, pp.45-48 ( [7] Димитрова Е., В. Димитров, Системи за дистанционен мониторинг и управление на обекти в железопътния транспорт, International Conference „Automatics and Informatics 2016“, 4-6.Х.2016, Sofia, ISBN 1313-1850, pp.45-48 ) [8] Tehnicheski iziskvaniya kam elementite na zhelezopatnata infrastruktura V02, DP ”NKZhI”, m. noemvri 2015 g. ( [8] Технически изисквания към елементите на железопътната инфраструктура V02, ДП ”НКЖИ”, м. ноември 2015 г. ) [9] Hristov H., V. Trifonov, Nadezhdnost i sigurnost na komunikatsiite. Novi znaniya, Sofiya, 2005. ( [9] Христов Х., В. Трифонов, Надеждност и сигурност на комуникациите. Нови знания, София, 2005. ) |