Scientific paper ID 1738 : 2018/3
Lachezar Hristov, Emil Iontchev, Rosen Miletiev ADIS 16405 sensor is a complete inertial system. Sharing common housing there are triaxial inertial sensor, gyroscope and magnetometer based on MEMS technology. In spite of low inherent cost, small size, low power consumption, and solid reliability, when used by inertial systems for navigation or object’s dynamic parameters measurement it is highly important the random errors in the output signal to be appropriately treated and reduced. It is well known that Inertial Navigation Systems can provide high accuracy information on the position, velocity, and attitude over a short time period. However, their accuracy degrades rapidly with time. The ments for accurate estimation of navigation information necessitate the modeling of the sensors’ noise components. The error analysis can be conducted in the time domain specifying the stochastic variation as well as error sources of systematic nature. The article gives a resume of different noise types as well as methods for their assessment. Collected sensor’s experimental data was used to quantitative assess different noise types detected and gives an example of effectiveness of the chosen Allan variance error modeling method. It is simple to compute and relatively simple to interpret and understand. Allan variance method can be used to determine the character of the underlying random processes that give rise to the data noise. This technique can be used to characterize various types of noise terms in the inertial sensor data by performing certain operations on the entire length of data.
инерциални сензори стохастично моделиране дисперсия на Алън спектрална плътност на мощносттаInertial sensors stochastic modeling Allan variance spectral power densityLachezar Hristov Emil Iontchev Rosen Miletiev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] IEEE Std 952-1997, IEEE Standard Specification Format Guide and Test Procedure for Single Axis Interferometric Fiber Optic, 16 Sept. 1997, ISBN 1-55937-961-8 [2] L. B. Pupo, “MSc Characterization of Errors and Noises in MEMS Inertial Sensors Using Allan Variance Method”, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, 2016 [3] D. Allan, “Statistics of atomic frequency standards,” Proceedings of the IEEE , Vol. 54 , Is. 2, pp.221-230, 1966. [4] H. Hou and N. El-Sheimy, “Inertial sensors errors modelling using Allan Variance,” Proceedings of ION GNSS 2003, 2003. [5] C. N. Lawrence, “On the application of Allan variance method for ring laser gyro performance characterization,” Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Tech. Rep., 1993. [6] M. Marinov and Z. Petrov, “Allan variance analysis on error characters of low-cost MEMS accelerometer MMA8451Q,” in International Conference of Scientific Paper AFASES 2014, 2014. [7] N. El-Sheimy, H. Haiying, and N. Xiaoji, “Analysis and modeling of inertial sensors using Allan variance,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 57, No. 1, 2008. [8] Yonchev E., Otsenka na shumovite parametri na inertsialni senzori, “Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”, br. 3, 2011, Sofiya. ( [8] Йончев Е., Oценка на шумовите параметри на инерциални сензори, “Механика, транспорт, комуникации”, бр. 3, 2011, София. ) |