Scientific paper ID 1737 : 2018/3
Emil Ivanov, Emilia Dimitrova, Plamen Atanasov The dynamic fault tree established itself as a primary instrument for modeling (quantitative and qualitative) the behavior of risk systems. The safety of man depends on the correct functioning of these systems. They control crucial technological processes (in transport, aviation, energetics, medicine etc.), which failures can lead to life loss, loss of great human values. The mentioned models actually interpret the dependability behavior of technological systems. Their disadvantage is that they do not take into account the presence of protective failures. A merge of the notion of dependability and safety is obtained. The term dependability (generally) is the property of the object to keep the quality of compliance (the essential properties) over the course of working (the time of operation) at given restrictions. The term safety is storage, lack of impermissible risk. Risk is a measure for the possible losses from undesirable events, which occurence is probable. This merge of the two terms leads to an error, which is in favor of safety (the real safety is higher than the calculated), but it is in detriment of the value of the system (the funds for realization of the system will be more). In order to determine the real safety and to have economical effect, it is necessary for the model to take into account the type of failures (protective and hazardous).
In the present paper, new symbols for the fault tree are presented, which will allow the fault tree to model the real safety, as only the protective failures are taken into account. динамично дърво откази надеждност безопасност рискови системи осигурителни системи.dynamic tree failures dependability safety risk systems security systems.Emil Ivanov Emilia Dimitrova Plamen Atanasov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Ivanov E., Atanasov P., Darvonto na otkazite kato sistemen model na nadezhdnostnoto povedenie, „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”, tom 14, broy 3/2, str. IX-38 - IX-43, 2016. ( [1] Иванов Е., Атанасов П., Дървонто на отказите като системен модел на надеждностното поведение, „Механика, транспорт, комуникации”, том 14, брой 3/2, стр. IX-38 - IX-43, 2016. ) [2] Ivanov E., Ts. Simeonova, Izsledvane vliyanieto na otkazite varhu individualniya risk pri F-K strukturi, V sb. na 20-ta mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya na VTU „T. Kableshkov”, „Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii”, ch. 3, str. VIII-32, Sofiya, 2011. ( [2] Иванов Е., Ц. Симеонова, Изследване влиянието на отказите върху индивидуалния риск при F-K структури, В сб. на 20-та международна научна конференция на ВТУ „Т. Каблешков”, „Механика, транспорт, комуникации”, ч. 3, стр. VIII-32, София, 2011. ) [3] Hristov H., Osnovi na osiguritelnata tehnika, Tehnika, S., 1990. ( [3] Христов Х., Основи на осигурителната техника, Техника, С., 1990. ) [4] Boudali, H., P. Crouzen, M. Stoelinga, A Rigorous, Compositional, and Extensible Framework for Dynamic Fault Tree Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Vol. 7, No. 2, April-June 2010. [5] Medikonda B. and S. Panchumarthy, A Framework for Software Safety in Safety-Critical Systems. SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes March 2009, Volume 34, Number 2, Pages 1-9. [6] Tong Y.C., Literature Review on Aircraft Structural Risk and Reliability Analysis. DSTO-TR-1100, AR-011-772, Melbourne, Victoria 3207, 2001. [7] Zhu G., Y. Sun, G. Zhao, A Dynamic Fault Tree method for availability assessment of the repairable gas transmission system, Safety and Reliability of Complex Engineered Systems: ESREL 2015, pp. 1897-1903, 2015. |