Scientific paper ID 1736 : 2018/3
Emiliya Dimitrova, Nikolay Kolev The report considers the reliability, accuracy and optimization of the technological equipment of a video surveillance system. Metrological reliability of the video surveillance system, determined by gradual failures is introduced, ie. by the probability that the relative error of the main system parameters is within the limits of the allowable values representing the function of the time for the technical operation. The metrological characteristics of measuring devices and video surveillance systems change during in the exploitation process. Practical studies and measurements in the operation of video surveillance systems show that metrological failures predominate significantly against nonmetrological ones. This fact demonstrates the need and the problem of optimization, improvement and development of special measures to predict and detect these metrological failures. The ability of measuring systems to maintain set values over a certain time interval, operating conditions and different process modes determines their metrological reliability. The report examines and analyses the types of failures in video surveillance systems, apparatus for determining the technical condition of measuring devices and the network is presented, research results are shown in order to optimize the operation of a video surveillance system. Means and methods for control equipment status are shown using a virtual spectral analyser and other appropriate equipment.
Метрологическа надеждност виртуален спектро-анализатор.Metrological reliability virtual spectrum-analyserEmiliya Dimitrova Nikolay Kolev BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Gindev E., Uvod v teoriyata i praktikata na nadezhdnostta, Sofiya, 2002 ( [1] Гиндев Е., Увод в теорията и практиката на надеждността, София, 2002 ) [2] Petrov N., Eksploatatsionna nadezhdnost na riskovi tehnicheski sistemi, Yambol, 2002 ( [2] Петров Н., Експлоатационна надеждност на рискови технически системи, Ямбол, 2002 ) [3] Andonov A., Komunikatsionni verigi i signali, Sofiya, 2015 ( [3] Андонов А., Комуникационни вериги и сигнали, София, 2015 ) [4] Dimitrov V., Informatsionno-upravlyavashta sistema za kontrol na energiyniya protses v biznes-sgrada, Int. Conf. „AI-2017“, Sofia, Proceedings, pp. 109-112 ( [4] Димитров В., Информационно-управляваща система за контрол на енергийния процес в бизнес-сграда, Int. Conf. „AI-2017“, Sofia, Proceedings, pp. 109-112 ) [5] Dimitrov V., P. Kostadinov, Software for Configuration and Setting of SCADA System for Energy Process Monitoring and Control in Business Center, Sc. Conf. “EF-2017”, Proceedings, pp. 333-338 [6] Petrov N., Neopredelenost i risk pri izmervane na obekti, Yambol, 2005 ( [6] Петров Н., Неопределеност и риск при измерване на обекти, Ямбол, 2005 ) [7] Petrov N., N.Kolev, Resursno izsledvane na elektronni komunikatsionni releta, ISSN1313-7050, 2009 ( [7] Петров Н., Н.Колев, Ресурсно изследване на електронни комуникационни релета, ISSN1313-7050, 2009 ) |