Scientific paper ID 1734 : 2018/3

Hristina Spiridonova, Galina Cherneva

With the increase in the volume of information exchange and the need for cheaper communication facilities, the Power Line Communication (PLC) technology is being developed. Power line networking is one of the cheapest forms of home networking and has a low start-up cost and minimal workload.

The realization of the PLC information transmission technology is related to the digital processing of signals and algorithms of Spread Spectrum modulation, which provide a high level of information protection. A power line channel is somewhat like a wireless channel - both of them suffer from noise, fading, multi-path and interference. Power line noise is produced by the operation of electrical devices.

The transmitted broadband signal has to be matched to the network in the frequency band used by a coordinate device located both in the transmitter and the receiver. Although in modems available on the market this is done through network adapters, the calculation of the matching filter is not widely discussed and is of interest.

This report proposes an approach to design a matching filter for a power line communication system based on Butterworth`s approximation. The passive circuit thus synthesized has good frequency selective properties and is suitable for the purpose that is proven in the work.

предаване на информация по електрозахранваща мрежа съгласуващ филтър апроксимация на БътъруъртPower Line Сommunication (PLC) matching filter Butterworth filter design approximationsHristina Spiridonova Galina Cherneva


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