Scientific paper ID 1730 : 2018/3
Martina Tomcheva It is well known that a multiphase voltage system is d for the operation of multi-pulse straightening circuits. In these cases it is necessary to use transducers of the number of phases from a three phase in a multiphase system. This is achieved by special multiphase transformers. These devices are known as Phase Number Transformers. Many circuit solutions of Phase Number Transformers, which offer different possibilities, so the main question is the choice of the most appropriate scheme.
The most significant indicators characterizing the energy efficiency of Phase Number Transformers are the magnitude of constant power and the loss of electricity. Technical developments in this area have shown that the basic parameters depend both on the circuit solution and on the number of input and output phases of the transformer unit. Research and practice have shown that twelve-piece twin-track rectifying and parallel-type rectifiers significantly improve current and strain currents, as well as the technical and economic performance of traction power systems, currently used in today`s traction substations. The report examines and analyzes various circuit solutions of rectifying aggregates operated at DC power stations. On this basis, concrete proposals have been made to improve the energy efficiency of the main operating modes of the rectifying stations. многоимпулсни схеми на изправяне транформаторни преобразуватели енергийна ефективност.multi-pulse straightening schemes transformer converters energy efficiency.Martina Tomcheva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Shturov N. I. Metody i sredstva ekonomii i povysheniya effektivnosti ispolzovaniya energii v sisteme gorodskogo elektricheskogo transporta. Disertatsiya, Novosibirskiy gosudarstvennyy tehnicheskiy universitet. 2003 g. ( [1] Щуров Н. И. Методы и средства экономии и повышения эффективности использования энергии в системе городского электрического транспорта. Дисертация, Новосибирский государственный технический университет. 2003 г. ) [2] Vorfolomeev G.N. Transformatornyy preobrazovatel chisla faz dlya pitaniya dvuhfaznyh potrebiteley energii. Promyshlennaya energetika. 1994. № 6.-S.22-23. ( [2] Ворфоломеев Г.Н. Трансформаторный преобразователь числа фаз для питания двухфазных потребителей энергии. Промышленная энергетика. 1994. № 6.-С.22-23. ) [3] Shturov N.I., Hramchenko V.A., Nikulin M.Yu. Ustroystvo nepreryvnogo kontrolya tokov utechki trolleybusa. Sovershenstvovanie tehnicheskih sredstv elektricheskogo transporta. - Novosibirsk: Izd-vo NGTU. 1999. - S.14-24. ( [3] Щуров Н.И., Храмченко В.А., Никулин М.Ю. Устройство непрерывного контроля токов утечки троллейбуса. Совершенствование технических средств электрического транспорта. - Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ. 1999. - С.14-24. ) |