Scientific paper ID 1722 : 2018/3

Georgi Dimitrov

The evolution of LED technologies in the last 10 years has created prerequisites for the widespread use of LED lamps and luminaires for indoor lighting in residential, office and industrial buildings, as well in railway stations and metro stations. The specific mode of powering and controlling LEDs by using specialized lamp control gear, also s a new approach to the design of electrical installations for powering the lighting systems built with these light sources.

The report presents a brief practice methodology for designing indoor lighting with LED lamps and luminaires, whose purpose is to support the work of the designers in the selection of: Photometric and energy parameters of LED light sources, conductor cross-section of the supply lines, Protective switchgear (automatic circuit breakers and earth leakage protection devices) for the power circuits of lighting.

Major attention is paid to the design of electrical installations for powering LED lighting systems in terms of the correct choice of the number of lamps and/or luminaires connected to one electrical circuit, taking into account the influences of starting (inrush) currents, harmonic distortions and total power factor .

Светодиодно осветление; Проектиране на осветителни уредби със светодиоди /LED/; Изчисляване на електрическите инсталации.LED Lighting; Design of lighting systems with LEDs; Calculation of electrical installations.Georgi Dimitrov


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