Scientific paper ID 1716 : 2018/3
Ivan Milenov, Slavcho Bozhkov, Georgi Tonkov The hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) are moving by the energy, which is ensured by the internal combustion engine (ICE) and the battery. Moreover the HEV, during certain movement states, accumulate part of the energy, which is lost from the classic vehicle, and is able to reuse it again. Therefore the HEV layout has significant meaning for the energy efficiency at the different movement states. The electric propulsion has essential influence in the HEV, and both with ICE ensure the HEV autonomy. At our days the main types of HEVs are classified to series hybrids, parallel hybrids, series-parallel (split) hybrids, plug-in hybrids (PHEV), mild hybrids, power hybrids, energy hybrids and so called independent hybrids. The different HEVs are supposing different layout and different electric propulsion. In the modern hybrids there are application of the electric propulsions with the direct current machines (DC), synchronous (BLDC) machines and induction machines. The type of the HEV layout and electric propulsion determine its geometrical, constructional and work parameters, as overall sizes, mass, number of seats, trunk volume, fuel consumption, harmful emission level, electric range, ICE range, combined range, coefficient of efficiency etc. These parameters determine the HEV application in certain movement conditions. This paper considers the main features of the layout and the electric propulsion of the hybrid electric vehicles and their development trends.
електрозадвижване компановка хибридни автомобилиelectric propulsion layout hybrid electric vehiclesIvan Milenov Slavcho Bozhkov Georgi Tonkov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Iqbal Husain. Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Design Fundamentals 2nd ed. ISBN I9781439811788 (e-book), CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, 2018 [2] J.F. Ronning and G.L. Grant, Global Hybrid Electric Vehicle Markets and Missions, Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles and Fuel Cell Technology, SAE Publication SP-1466, SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 1999. [3] C.C. Chan and K.T. Chau, Modern Electric Vehicle Technology, Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K., 2001 [4] R. Hodkinson and J. Fentos, Lightweight Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Design, SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 2001 [5] SAE, Strategies in Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Design, SAE Publication SP-1156, SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 1996 [6] A. Nagasaka et al., Development of Hybrid/Battery ECU for the Toyota Hybrid System, Technology for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles, SAE Publication SP-1331, SAE International, Warrendale, PA, 1998 [7] Slavcho Bozhkov, Penko Tsvetkov, Georgi Tonkov, Hibridni avtomobili i prilozhenieto im v gradski usloviya na dvizhenie, Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya “Tehnika i stroitelni tehnologii v transporta – 2018”, Nauchno spisanie “Mehanika, transport, komunikatsii” ISSN 1312-3823 (print) ISSN 2367-6620 (online), VTU «Todor Kableshkov», Sofiya, 2018 ( [7] Славчо Божков, Пенко Цветков, Георги Тонков, Хибридни автомобили и приложението им в градски условия на движение, Международна научна конференция “Техника и строителни технологии в транспорта – 2018”, Научно списание “Механика, транспорт, комуникации” ISSN 1312-3823 (print) ISSN 2367-6620 (online), ВТУ «Тодор Каблешков», София, 2018 ) |