Scientific paper ID 1715 : 2018/3
Yavor Isaev, Georgi Pavlov, Galina Cherneva, Antonia Isaeva In view of the difficult situation with the recruitment of engineers and the efforts of the Todor Kableshkov University of Veliko Tarnovo to promote the opportunities and new specialties offered by the institute, we have realized an opportunity to support the candidate-student campaigns and our cooperation with the technicians.
A test bench for monophase rectifiers was designed and built to showcase part of the learning process and our work as lecturers. The special feature is that it has miniature dimensions, its own power supply and built-in: active, inductive and capacitive loads. Stand allows you to explore different types of rectifiers by simply switching multiple buttons. Load values can also be changed to allow for the realization of dozens of combinations and modes of work that cover part of the laboratory exercises in a number of Stands are equipped with the necessary terminals for connecting a portable USB oscilloscope and measuring the current through the loads, it is easy to transport together with the accompanying equipment of each candidate-student campaign or a lecture delivered in a vocational high school. The report presents the main features and possibilities of the stand and the results of the tests. Изправител Стенд Преходни процесиRectifier StandTransition processesYavor Isaev Georgi Pavlov Galina Cherneva Antonia Isaeva BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Zlatkov. M. I Bezotkazno prevklyuchvane zvezda-triagalnik pri malki vetrogeneratori VTU „TodorKableshkov” Balgariya, Sofiya 2017g. ( [1] Златков. М. И Безотказно превключване звезда-триъгълник при малки ветрогенератори ВТУ „ТодорКаблешков” България, София 2017г. ) [2] M. Tomcheva. Analiz na tyagovite i spirachni rezhimi na troleybus SKODA SOLARIS. Nauchna konferentsiya s mezhdunarodno uchastie „ Ustoychivo razvitie na transportnite sistemi“, sp. „Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, 18 – 20.06.2018 g. ( [2] М. Томчева. Анализ на тяговите и спирачни режими на тролейбус SKODA SOLARIS. Научна конференция с международно участие „ Устойчиво развитие на транспортните системи“, сп. „Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, 18 – 20.06.2018 г. ) [3] Shishkov A. Poluprovodnikova tehnika vtora chast. Darzhavno izdatelstvo Tehnika. 1981 g. ( [3] Шишков А. Полупроводникова техника втора част. Държавно издателство Техника. 1981 г. ) [4] Shishkov A. Poluprovodnikova tehnika vtora chast. Darzhavno izdatelstvo Tehnika. 1981 g. ( [4] Шишков А. Полупроводникова техника втора част. Държавно издателство Техника. 1981 г. ) [5] Avtanski B. Slabotokova laboratoriya. Darzhavno izdatelstvo Tehnika. 1980 g. ( [5] Автански Б. Слаботокова лаборатория. Държавно издателство Техника. 1980 г. ) |