Scientific paper ID 1712 : 2018/3
Ilko Tarpov In order to improve the ecological impact on the transport people need to develop and adopt technologies and systems, which increase the energy efficiency in this sector. The decrease of the energy expenses in each and every economic activity would lead to their improved ecological intensity. Therefore, the European standards for decreasing the ecological intensity in the transport should be realized through searching for reserves in the contemporary technologies, which have not been considered as renewable until this point.
This report will make the start on a research on the ecological effect of the regenerative energy produced by stopping and returned back to the network. Moreover, the end ecological impact of the usage of regenerative stopping systems will be discussed in detail. Applying regenerative stopping decreases the electro energy consumption in the whole railway system and would lead to decrease in the quantity of noxious substances in the environment. Additionally, an energy analysis of the transportation work will be presented and based on that the ecological effect of the utilization of the regenerative stopping will be defined. екология екологичен отпечатък рекуперативно спиране железопътен транспорт енергийна ефективностecology ecologyprint regenerativesuspension railwaytransport energyefficiency.Ilko Tarpov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1]Energiyna strategiya na Republika Balgariya do 2020 g. – Za nadezhdna, efektivna i po-chista energetika, MIET, 2011 g. ( [1]Енергийна стратегия на Република България до 2020 г. – За надеждна, ефективна и по-чиста енергетика, МИЕТ, 2011 г. ) [2] Kirov D. , Inzhenerna ekologiya, Tehnika, Sofiya, 2011 ( [2] Киров Д. , Инженерна екология, Техника, София, 2011 ) [3] http://www.nsi.bg/bg/content/12372/ |