Scientific paper ID 1711 : 2018/3

Valentina Hristova, Anton Petrov2, Georgi Dimitrov1

Emphasis is placed on the impact of greenhouse gases of anthropogenic origin on the climate and how to reduce it. In particular, carbon dioxide as a greenhouse gas is considered and taken under account as the most radiation-intensive gas, and consequently the effects it carries over the climate system are the strongest, costing an arm and a leg. Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas in the earth atmosphere, its concentration is directly dependent on human activity, as long-term changes in the solar constant can be seen as totally unpredictable. On the basis of surveys made in Bulgaria (Gorlodel Production Cooperative ”CARLUK - SS”), an estimate is made of the potential of forests to digest and process a given amount of carbon dioxide. Estimates indicate the potential of Bulgarian forests to fully absorb the carbon dioxide emitted by the thermal power plant. The idea is that the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading system in equivalent carbon dioxide is not the most suitable for Bulgarian conditions and is proposed to be replaced by another, where thermal power plants take care of afforestation and management of forests. It deals with carbon dioxide processing per hectare and draws a conclusion on the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by the Bulgarian forests.

СО2 горски масиви ТЕЦ парникови газове климатCarbon dioxide forests thermal power plant greenhouse gases climateValentina Hristova Anton Petrov Georgi Dimitrov


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