Scientific paper ID 1709 : 2018/3
Lubomir Sekulov, Iavor Isaev, Georgi Pavlov The development of the electric transport during the recent years is quite dynamic and plays an important role both for Europe and for the entire world. Obviously, there are huge opportunities for the development of power traction and they reflect the direction of the processes in the energy sectors of all states. They are closely related to the latest European Directives aimed at achieving high energy efficiency, environmental protection and enhancement of the urban infrastructure. In this respect, the electric transport is of critical significance for all European cities, which are characteristic for the high density of their population. The electric transport also attracts high expectations for reliability and energy efficiency, which depend on various factors of integrated effect.
The report presents the key results of the design and manufacture of DC electronic relays with microprocessor control in the controlling and auxiliary circuits of specific electric transport vehicles in the public electric road transport of Sofia. Based on this work, a stand was designed for the research, testing and adjustment of electromechanical and electronic relays, as a training facility for the students in all major courses delivered by the Department of Electrical Equipment in Railway Transport, Todor Kableshkov University of Transport. електромеханични и електронни релета микропроцесорно управление електрически транспортни средства градски наземен електрически транспорт.electromechanical and electronic relays microprocessor control electric transport vehicles public electric roadLubomir Sekulov Iavor Isaev Georgi Pavlov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Vichev S. T., K. S. Moskov. Eksperimentalno opredelyane na vhodni velichini za releyni zashtiti pri zemni saedineniya. EE, 2005 g. ( [1] Вичев С. Т., К. С. Москов. Експериментално определяне на входни величини за релейни защити при земни съединения. ЕЕ, 2005 г. ) [2] Vichev S. “Tsifrovi releyni zashtiti”, Zapiski, 2008 g. ( [2] Вичев С. “Цифрови релейни защити”, Записки, 2008 г. ) [3] Dimitrov V., E. Dimitrova, Opredelyane kachestvoto na regulirane pri sistemi za avtomatichno upravlenie – laboratoren stend, Nauchni trudove na Rusenskiya universitet - 2013, ISSN 1311-3321, tom 52, seriya 3.2, str. 153-158 ( [3] Димитров В., Е. Димитрова, Определяне качеството на регулиране при системи за автоматично управление – лабораторен стенд, Научни трудове на Русенския университет - 2013, ISSN 1311-3321, том 52, серия 3.2, стр. 153-158 ) [4] Dimitrov V., Izsledvane na senzori, spetsifichni za savremennite elektricheski transportni sredstva, Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya “KEIT–2014”, n. sp. “Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 12, broy 3/2, 2014 ( [4] Димитров В., Изследване на сензори, специфични за съвременните електрически транспортни средства, Международна научна конференция “КЕИТ–2014”, н. сп. “Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, ISSN 1312-3823, том 12, брой 3/2, 2014 ) |