Scientific paper ID 1708 : 2018/3

Plamen Parushev, Dimitar Dimitrov, Ginka Ivanova, Prolet Deneva, Svilen Angelov

The article presents an engineering solution for a ventilation control of freight platforms on ferries.

With the development of water transport, the share of specialized vessels for the transport of cars and trucks gains a significant share. This is determined by the specificity of the production of new cars distributed in certain geographic areas and the ability to saturate the global markets for certain vehicles. For other destinations, freight transport on TIR-type trucks has proven to be a winning situation, and thus transport corridors and specialized ships have been established. Options for analyzing the states of the controllable parameters are provided and the types of input signals are defined.

The control system is implemented with a programmable logic controller. By fulfilling the ments for industrial control, a reasoned choice of PLC modification is made. The distribution and initialization of the inputs and outputs of the controller has been performed. The actions of the system elements are described by the verbal algorithm. A synthesized block diagram describing the control process and observable control parameters is shown. Specific screen messages are specified.

In the article are presented the specific ments in the context of The Classification Bodies Rules and Regulations for the implementation of such systems and the possibilities for local and remote control.

Demonstration of the capabilities of the software is provided by testing in the laboratory to establish the performance and compatibility.

вентилация кораби управление PLC.ventilation ships control PLC.Plamen Parushev Dimitar Dimitrov Ginka Ivanova Prolet Deneva Svilen Angelov


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( [1] Стамов С. Д., Справочник по отопление, вентилация и климатизация III част – Техника , София, 1993г. )






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