Scientific paper ID 1707 : 2018/3
Lyubomir Sekulov The public electric transport of Sofia plays a vital role for the economic and social life of the capital inhabited by almost two million residents. Thereby, it is crucial that transport services operate in a reliable and effective manner. Any system failures or critical incidents deteriorate the quality of life of the urban population.
The electric transportation vehicles are key units of the public electric road transport. These vehicles are complex technical devices working under extremely harsh exploitation and climate conditions. This explains the rising demands towards the city transportation systems regarding the protection of the natural environment and the reduction in the cumulative transportation costs, which are the criteria most readily attributable to the electric transport. The system predominantly used in the traction drives of public transport vehicles (over 60%) is the voltage impulse control in DC engines. This is where the highest efficiency output can be gained from the application of the semiconductor switches (transistors) in the drive control devices. The report presents the main results of the experimental road testing of the modernised trolleybus during line service, were the testing was conducted following a specific method, in real road conditions. градски наземен електрически транспорт електрически транспортни средства тролейбус микропроцесорно управлениеpublic electric road transport electric transport vehicles trolleybus microprocessor controlLyubomir Sekulov BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dimitrov V., Izsledvane na senzori, spetsifichni za savremennite elektricheski transportni sredstva, Mezhdunarodna nauchna konferentsiya „KEIT–2014”, n. sp. “Mehanika, Transport, Komunikatsii”, ISSN 1312-3823, tom 12, broy 3/2, 2014 g. statiya № 1012 ( [1] Димитров В., Изследване на сензори, специфични за съвременните електрически транспортни средства, Международна научна конференция „КЕИТ–2014”, н. сп. “Механика, Транспорт, Комуникации”, ISSN 1312-3823, том 12, брой 3/2, 2014 г. статия № 1012 ) [2] Balgaranov L. Elektricheski transport. Sofiya, 2009 g. ( [2] Българанов Л. Електрически транспорт. София, 2009 г. ) [3] http://www.elektrotransportsf.com Stolichen elektrotransport EAD ., ( [3] http://www.elektrotransportsf.com Столичен електротранспорт ЕАД ., ) [4] Milenov I., V. Dimitrov, R. Baev, V. Stankov, Modulno zadvizhvane za elektromobil, VII nauchna konferentsiya „EF 2015”, Balgariya, Sozopol, 19 - 21 Septemvri, 2015, Godishnik na Tehnicheski Universitet - Sofiya, ISSN 1311-0829, t. 66, kn. 1, 2016, str. 321-328 ( [4] Миленов И., В. Димитров, Р. Баев, В. Станков, Модулно задвижване за електромобил, VII научна конференция „ЕФ 2015”, България, Созопол, 19 - 21 Септември, 2015, Годишник на Технически Университет - София, ISSN 1311-0829, т. 66, кн. 1, 2016, стр. 321-328 ) [5] Bogdan N. V. “Trolleybus. Teoriya, konstruirovanie, raschet” Mn.: Uradzhay, 1999. ( [5] Богдан Н. В. “Троллейбус. Теория, конструирование, расчет” Мн.: Ураджай, 1999. ) |