Scientific paper ID 1703 : 2018/3

Lyudmil Popov

The report discusses the issue of controlling the effective length of the train’s main brake pipe, ignoring the inconvenience of a previously developed methodology from the need to know the final pressure value Pk when applying a test hold. The claim that this value is zero is true in a limited number of cases. For example, the final pressure is not zero but an unknown magnitude greater than 5 or even 8 atm. In the case of the so-called ”shock-filling”, even when composing the train at the landfill, this pressure can reach up to 10 atmospheres.

The purpose of this report is to develop and study a special method for continuous (including in motion) control of the effective (actual) length of the train’s main duct without the need to know the initial and final pressure values.

Methodological, software and technical support has been developed to ensure automatic and objective measurement of the effective length of the main brake pipe of a train at random speed and, if modified, may give the driver a message indicating the isolation site.

The method has been refined to simplify the calculations and the necessary measurements, reducing the need to know the value of the final pressure Pk.

диференциално налягане триточкова схема оптимален интервал на квантованеdifferential pressure three-point circuit optimal quantum intervalLyudmil Popov


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[5] na obekti po prehodnata im harakteristika.pdf
( [5]Иденти... на обекти по преходната им характеристика.pdf )




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