Scientific paper ID 1701 : 2018/2
Dobrinka Atmadzhova The paper analyzes the Nadal - Y/Q criteria, the nominal criterion - Yp/Q`1 and the criterion against derailment - Y1/Q1, which enable the disclosure and explanation of the complex derailment process, on the balance (or imbalance) between the forces operating in this process and defining the 1st and 2nd border states and the 3 characteristic areas of safety, friction and derailment. The functions of the forces are brought into dimensionless form. Presented are diagrams of linear scheduling processes in the derailment on various criteria against derailment. Based on the visual graphical representation of the derailment processes, additional possibilities are created to reveal important properties and dependencies associated with derailment. The influence of the unevenness of the wheels load is reported. By the appended line graphs are disclosed some important properties and dependencies. It turns out that the height of the force applied to the collision force axle exerts an extremely strong influence on the value of the criterion for the 2nd boundary equilibrium, as with the increase of the height by only 30%, the value of the criterion at the 2nd border equilibrium increases about 4.5 times, which is a sure indication that the dissipation of results in the final phase (derailment) will increase significantly.
подвижен железопътен състав сигурност срещу дерайлиране критерии срещу дерайлиране схеми на линеен график.rolling stock safety against derailment criterias against derailment graphics process.Dobrinka Atmadzhova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Nadal M. J.: Theorie de la stabilite des locomotives, Movement de Lacet, Annales des Mines, vol. 10, 1896, str. 232 [2] Luisa-Izabel DUNGAN NOŢIUNI GENERALE PRIVIND SIGURANŢA CONTRA DERAIERII, Universitatea „Politehnica” din Timişoara, Buletinul AGIR nr. 1-2/2009, aprilie-septembrie p.117-122 [3] Atmadzhova D. PRIVEZhDANE V NOMINALEN VID NA KRITERIYa PROTIV DERAYLIRANE NA ZhELEZOPATNI VOZILA NK s mezhdunarodno uchastie BulTrans-2017 na TU-Sofiya, Sozopol11-13 Septemvri, 2017 ( [3] Атмаджова Д. ПРИВЕЖДАНЕ В НОМИНАЛЕН ВИД НА КРИТЕРИЯ ПРОТИВ ДЕРАЙЛИРАНЕ НА ЖЕЛЕЗОПЪТНИ ВОЗИЛА НК с международно участие BulTrans-2017 на ТУ-София, Созопол11-13 Септември, 2017 ) [4] Atmadzhova D. PROCESSES AND DEPENDENCIES RELATED TO NADAL’S FORMULA IX International Scientific Conference HEAVY MACHINERY 2017, Zlatibor, Serbia, 2017, pp.E7-E16 |