Scientific paper ID 1697 : 2018/3
Valentin Gaydarov, Galina Zamfirova The influence of the loading speed on some micromechanical characteristics of a polypropylene was investigated. The measurements were performed by dynamic ultra micro hardness tester DUH – 211S by penetration depths measuring at constant loading rate. The indenter was a Vickers pyramid. The measurement mode was load – hold - unload till preset depth. Five loading speeds in the interval (1.25 20) mN/s were chosen. From dependences load - depth at different loading rate the following microindentation characteristics were determined: dynamic, Martens and indentation hardnesses, indentation elastic modulus, creep and elasticity. Linear dependences of the studied characteristics on logarithm of loading rate were established with correlation coefficient very close to one. The sensitivity of the indentation quantities were commented and attributed to the specific models for their calculation, as well as the degree of influence by the creep process, inevitable in the loading process. Dynamic and indentation hardnesses, as well as the indentation elastic modulus, are almost unaffected by this parameter. Martens hardness is sensitive to loading speed because it is calculated from the slope of the loading part of the indentation curve.
наноиндентация динамична твърдост индентационна твърдост дълбочинно-чувствителна индентация.nanoindentation dynamic hardness indentation hardness indentation Depth-sensing indentation.Valentin Gaydarov Galina Zamfirova BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Fischer-Cripps A.C., Nanoindentation, 2nd ed., New-York, Springer, 2004 [2] Zamfirova G., Indentation methods for the characterization of carbon-based polymer nanocomposites, in carbon-based polymer nanocomposites for environmental and energy applications, Ed. A. F. Ismail and P. S. Goh, Elsevier, pp. 79-111, 2018 [3] Vandamme M., Ulm F.J., Viscoelastic solutions for conical indentation, Int J Solids Struct 43(10), pp. 3142-3165, 2006 [4] Delhaye V., et al., Influence of stress state and strain rate on the behaviour of a rubber-particle reinforced polypropylene, Int J Impact Eng 38(4), pp. 208-218, 2011 [5] Mckown S., Cantwell W.J., Investigation of strain-rate effects in self-reinforced polypropylene composites, J. Compos Mater 4(20), pp. 2457-2470, 2007 [6] Mencík J., et al., Determination of viscoelastic-plastic material parameters of biomaterials by instrumented indentation. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 2(4), pp. 318-325, 2009 [7] Mencík J., He L., Nemecek J., Characterization of viscoelastic-plastic properties of solid polymers by instrumented indentation, Polym Test 30(1), pp.101-109, 2011 [8] Feng G., Ngan A.H.W., Effects of creep and thermal drift on modulus measurement using depth-sensing indentation, J Mater Res 17(3), pp. 660-668, 2002 [9] Oliver W. C., Pharr G. M., Measurement of hardness and elastic modulus by instrumented indentation: advances in understanding and refinements to methodology, J Mater Res 19(1), pp. 3-20. 2004 [10] Oliver W. C., Pharr G. M., An improved technique for determining hardness and elastic modulus using load and displacement sensing indentation experiments, J Mater Res 7(6), pp.1564-1583, 1992 [11] Zamfirova G., Mikroindentatsiyata kato metod za izsledvane na polimerni materiali, disertatsionen trud, VTU “ T. Kableshkov”, Sofiya, 2015 ( [11] Замфирова Г., Микроиндентацията като метод за изследване на полимерни материали, дисертационен труд, ВТУ “ Т. Каблешков”, София, 2015 ) [12] Burgess T., Laws K.J., Ferry M., Effect of loading rate on the serrated flow of a bulk metallic glass during nanoindentation, Acta Materialia 56(17), pp. 4829–4835, 2008 |